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International Folklore Festival Caucasus-2017 (ფოთი-Foti)

International Folklore Festival Caucasus-2017
Festival Organizer: Georgian Union of Choreographers

Supporting Organizations: European Association of Folklore Festivals – EAFF; Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia; Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara; Mayor’s Office of the City of Poti; Mayor’s Office of the City of Ozurgeti; Lanchkhuti Municipality Gamgeoba (Council); Institute of Qualification Improvement Professional Development of Teachers; Newspaper of the Georgian Choreographers Union – Georgian Choreography; International Folklore Center.

Date and Location of Festival: Georgia, City of Poti, City of Ozurgeti, City of Lanchkhuti, City of Kobuleti, City of Batumi – 1-10 July 2017

Goal of the Festival:
• Development of folklore arts; popularization of the world folklore culture; sharing of experience between participants; empowerment of mutual respect and tolerance; deepening of creative contacts; popularization of Georgian and world folklore arts; improvement of the level of qualification of choreographers;

Festival Participants: Folklore groups from different countries of the world and different regions of Georgia (ages not limited) take part in the Festival.

Participation Conditions: Participants present two shows (3-5 minutes each) in the following nominations: folklore dances, folklore songs (ensembles and individual); songs and romances; folklore handcraft arts (exhibitions). In the final conclusive concert participating artists will present only one show. Music can be live or phonogram. With the application Festival participants submit their program (audio, video files of their previous shows, materials necessary to be published in the newspaper and Festival booklet). Festival participants will be awarded with the Festival Laureate Diplomas and different presents.

Видео International Folklore Festival Caucasus-2017 (ფოთი-Foti) канала Art-folk Union of Culture and Art Development
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