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'A Beautiful Thing!' Penn & Teller V Rubik's Cube. Fool Us. The Conjurors.

Please check our other listenings where there you will find an IMPROVED AUDIO version of this video.

Join Matthew Pomeroy and Natasha Lamb as they attempt to fool Penn & Teller with a brand new routine.

Details: Penn & Teller Fool Us S8 E18 | Originally Aired January 29, 2021

IMPROVED AUDIO - https://youtu.be/L2HEN26kRUE

Web: http://www.theconjurors.co.uk
Instagram: matthewpomeroy
Instagram: theconjurorlive
Twitter: matthewmagician

Matthew and Natasha travel and perform worldwide, if they would be perfect for your next event - get in touch!

Thank you for watching.

Видео 'A Beautiful Thing!' Penn & Teller V Rubik's Cube. Fool Us. The Conjurors. канала The Conjurors
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30 января 2021 г. 20:25:16