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BLUE Natural Weight Management Dog Food | Chewy

Wondering how to help your dog lose weight? Getting your pup into shape is made easy with BLUE Natural weight management dog food! Their weight control dog food is formulated specifically for overweight dogs and is designed to keep their dog nutrition needs balanced, even when they are eating fewer calories. BLUE Natural dog food offers a special protein and fiber blend to treat obesity in dogs and will also help keep your pal feel fuller, longer. Healthy foods high in protein give your dog a nutritional edge to promote lean muscles so they can flex their muscles all day long. Their urinary and weight management formula is infused with controlled levels of essential minerals and vitamins for optimal urinary health. BLUE Natural prescription dog food is grain-free and contains no corn, wheat or soy, making it great for avoiding dog digestion issues. Overweight dogs are more prone to join stress as they age and cardiovascular concerns, but weight loss food for dogs can prevent ailments that zap your pup’s energy. Their formula even contain essential fats that are healthy and beneficial, even for overweight dogs. So, exactly what are essential fatty acids? Omega fatty acids are naturally found in fish and flaxseeds and include omega-3 and 6 that work to keep dog skin moisturized and their coat looking shiny and new! Dogs can’t make omega fatty acids themselves, so healthy dogs need to get it from the food they eat. Whatever your pup’s needs are, BLUE Natural weight management dog food has a dry and wet formula that your fur baby will benefit from and enjoy.

Talk to your dog’s veterinarian about BLUE Natural weight management dog food: https://bit.ly/2srfr9d

Browse your favorite dog food brands, plus soft dog food and dry dog food formulas, along with with other dog supplies at Chewy.com.

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Видео BLUE Natural Weight Management Dog Food | Chewy канала Chewy
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18 января 2019 г. 6:00:01