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Khatarnak Virus Ka Rahsya - Episode 909 - 25th January 2013

Terrorists shoot 3 security guards who were on duty outside the Government Research Center. Firing takes place between the terrorists and the security guards. Team CID begins the investigation and also checks out the lab too. 2 security guards who fought bravely reveal the whole scenario to ACP Pradyuman. Dr. Salunkhe reveals to ACP Pradyuman that the revolver and the bullets are exported from abroad. Doctor shows Biological agent to Senior Inspector Abhijeet which is a kind of a Virus. Sachin, Shreya and Rajat try to collect more information about the incident that took place on the Toll naka. Will Inspector Vinit get killed? Will CID succeed in arresting the terrorists? Will Terrorists achieve their goal of spreading deadly virus in the country?

The first thrilling investigative series on Indian Television, is today one of the most popular shows on Sony Entertainment Television. Dramatic and absolutely unpredictable, C.I.D. has captivated viewers over the last eleven years and continues to keep audiences glued to their television sets with its thrilling plots and excitement. Also interwoven in its fast paced plots are the personal challenges that the C.I.D. team faces with non-stop adventure, tremendous pressure and risk, all in the name of duty.The series consists of hard-core police procedural stories dealing with investigation, detection and suspense. The protagonists of the serial are an elite group of police officers belonging to the Crime Investigation Department of the police force, led by ACP Pradyuman [played by the dynamic Shivaji Satam]. While the stories are plausible, there is an emphasis on dramatic plotting and technical complexities faced by the police. At every stage, the plot throws up intriguing twists and turns keeping the officers on the move as they track criminals, led by the smallest of clues.

Видео Khatarnak Virus Ka Rahsya - Episode 909 - 25th January 2013 канала SET India
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26 января 2013 г. 9:36:07