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Ventspils, Latvija, 01.10.2013.g. (Вентспилс, Латвия)

Ventspils developed around the Livonian Order Ventspils Castle, built along the Venta River. It was chartered in 1314 and became an important mercantile city of the Hanseatic League.
As part of the Duchy of Courland, Ventspils blossomed as a shipbuilding center. 44 warships and 79 trading ships were built in the town, and it was from Ventspils that the Duke's fleet set out to colonize Gambia and Tobago. Metal, amber, and wood-working shops also became important to the city's development.
During the Polish-Swedish War and the Great Northern War, Ventspils was destroyed, and in 1711 a plague wiped out most of the remaining inhabitants. Ventspils fell under the control of Imperial Russia and its re-growth was stalled.
It was not until about 1850 that shipbuilding and trade became important again. The port was modernized in the 1890s and connected to Moscow by rail. It became one of Imperial Russia's most profitable ports, by 1913 turning a yearly profit of 130 million rubles. The population soared as well, growing from 7,000 in 1897, to 29,000 in 1913.

During the German occupation from 1915--1919, the population decreased almost by half, though some returned home during the First Republic of Latvia (1918--1940).
In 1939, the Red Army established a base in Ventspils. Under Soviet rule, an oil pipeline was built to Ventspils, and became USSR's leading port in crude oil export. Thirty kilometres north of Ventspils is the ex-Soviet radioastronomy installation VIRAC (Ventspils Starptautiskais Radioastronomijas Centrs or Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre). The existence of the Centrs was unknown to most Latvians until 1994. After independence, the Latvian government began a city-beautification process to make the city more attractive to tourists.
In 2004, Ventspils was a host city for a multi-national (United States, United Kingdom, Poland, Sweden, Russia, Latvia, Denmark, Finland, Norway) naval exercise called Baltic Operations XXXIII (BALTOPS). The force was led by the guided missile cruiser USS Anzio and the destroyer USS Cole. The US vessels were the first American warships to visit the port of Ventspils since Latvian independence was declared

Город был основан в XIII веке тевтонским орденом. Роль важного торгового центра Вентспилс начал играть ещё в Средние века, когда был принят в Ганзейский союз. Во времена Ливонского ордена и Курляндского герцогства Вентспилский или Виндавский замок был резиденцией городского фогта. Расцвет города приходится на время правления курляндского герцога Якоба (1642-1681 г.) из рода Кетлеров, тогда в устье реки Вента была построена крупная кораблестроительная верфь, вокруг города стали строиться оружейные мастерские, доменные печи, селитровые и кирпичные мануфактуры, стала развиваться торговля с Западной Европой, преимущественно с Голландией. Герцогская политика основывалась на идеях меркантилизма - прибыль с экспорта продукции сельского хозяйства, такой как зерно и лён, расходовалась на строительство мануфактур и фабрик. Курляндские корабли (см. Флот Курляндии) из Виндавы ходили в Африку и Америку.
Вентспилс имеет пляж Голубого флага, а также несколько туристических объектов: замок Ливонского ордена, лютеранскую церковь середины XIX века и другие.

Видео Ventspils, Latvija, 01.10.2013.g. (Вентспилс, Латвия) канала Natalia K.
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7 октября 2013 г. 5:12:54