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Медведев.Пресс-конференция,саммит G8.11.07.09.Part 2

Press Conference Following the G8 Summit.Part 2
July 11, 2009
LAquila, Italy

Пресс-конференция по итогам работы саммита «Группы восьми».
10 июля 2009 года

Finally, the third goal, and perhaps one of the most important, is to reform our very attitudes, and to reject the stereotypes that have been dominant within the establishment in recent years. I feel that the atmosphere that prevailed at this Summit is very important, because there has been a marked shift in attitudes. If youd like, I can talk more about these attitudes and their causes during the question-and-answer section.

We made some important accomplishments. First of all, we defined an ambitious long-term goal: reducing greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions. The decision made by developed countries to reduce emissions by 80 percent by the year 2050 is both ambitious and very difficult, and may indeed change the model of human civilisation development.

We have our own view on this matter. We are ready to make a commitment to reduce emissions by at least 50 percent by 2050, as compared to 1990. 80 percent refers to total worldwide emissions, rather than emissions from individual nations. This is an ambitious and difficult goal.

Not long ago, we formulated our own goals for the next few years. In addition to developing our economy along the energy efficiency lines, I stated that we will try to reduce our GHG emissions by ten to fifteen percent by 2020, as compared to 1990 levels. It seems that this information also made our colleagues happy, because these are difficult decisions to make. Even some of our G8 colleagues are still in the process of formulating these goals, and have not come to a final decision.

Energy and the environment, green technology, and the creation of an energy-efficient model of economic development represent very important goals. In fact, we need them, not because we want to look good in front of other nations, but because it is necessary in order to modernise our own, Russian economy. Thus, this is something we will be working on, regardless.

A number of new, interesting ideas were brought up. In particular, Mexico presented the idea of a so-called green fund. Overall, everyone supported this idea, and we are also ready to participate in organising a green fund (assuming this idea is finalised) with our own input, monetary and otherwise.

Summit participants affirmed the G8s commitments to promote growth and provide assistance to developing countries, including the development of infrastructure projects, improving public health, and education. This is our common goal, and naturally, Russia will also work on this goal with other countries.

On the last day of the summit, just half an hour ago, we completed a discussion on global food security. The topic is exceedingly complicated and very relevant. I have to admit that I really appreciated the way that this issue was discussed, as it was quite objective, and at the same time, quite advanced; naturally, the Russian side also presented its suggestions.

Russia is ready to make its contribution toward global food security. You know, we have nearly one tenth of the worlds arable land, and we have become a major grain exporter. If everything goes well, and if we can continue developing our agriculture industry as we are doing now, then soon perhaps in five or ten years we will be able to put up to 50 million tonnes of grain per year on the global market, which represents a great deal of food that is very much needed. Because regardless of the advanced technologies that we use, a great deal will depend on geographical factors and different countries possibilities. But we are also ready to help in other ways. We are ready to contribute to funds, and we are ready to continue training personnel to teach about agriculture. This is also an important element of cooperation. Clearly, we will work on all of this.

Видео Медведев.Пресс-конференция,саммит G8.11.07.09.Part 2 канала niknikolay
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