Auditions from The Voice winners all the world 2010-2012
Auditions winners around the world, 2010 to 2012. Look at the auditions that made these singers. In many cases they could have been just a competitor, but won their seasons.
All rights of musical works shown in this video belong to the franchise The Voice and its authors. This video was made for the sole purpose of showing the winners of the seasons of the TV show The Voice. We don't have any relationship with The Voice.
Видео Auditions from The Voice winners all the world 2010-2012 канала La Vereda TV
All rights of musical works shown in this video belong to the franchise The Voice and its authors. This video was made for the sole purpose of showing the winners of the seasons of the TV show The Voice. We don't have any relationship with The Voice.
Видео Auditions from The Voice winners all the world 2010-2012 канала La Vereda TV
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