Pokemon and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure combine their powers of Anime awesomeness for the conclusion of our first Poke Jojo adventure. The gang go stand to stand with the dastardly Diovanni in a battle to the DEATH!!!!
Produced by Tom Jenkins and Ben Michael
Script & Animatic by The Pegbarians
- Liam McKeown
- BillyBCreations (https://www.youtube.com/user/BillyBcreations)
- Tim Bender (https://www.youtube.com/c/HYPEmationOfficial/)
- Rae (https://twitter.com/tinybirbsakuga)
- Tim Bender
- Liam McKeown
- Jenny Polden (https://twitter.com/zannyhyper)
- Rae (https://twitter.com/tinybirbsakuga)
- Claire MacKenzie
Colour by Tim Bender
Shading by EpicFaceFist & Tim Bender
Backgrounds by Daniel Arruda Massa
Post Production, Compositing & VFX by Tim Bender
Sound Design by Jason Dewey
Music Curation & Original Compositions by Joe Gizmode
Voice of Diovanni by Alex Walker Smith
Voice of Ash by Steven "Sarifus" Kelly
Voice of Misty & Jesse by Eileen "EileMonty" Montgomery
Voice of Adult Bug Catcher by Charkley
Voice of Brock by Blake Swift
Voice of Meowth by Florian Walraven
More Mashed:
PokeJojo: Bug Problem! (Part 1)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Poker Night
Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends!
Stay in touch with #mashed!
Facebook: http://facebook.com/thisismashed
Twitter: http://twitter.com/mashed
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisismashed
Email: mashed@theconnectedset.com
Thanks for watching!
Видео PokeJojo: DIOVANNI'S LAST STAND (Part 3) канала mashed
Produced by Tom Jenkins and Ben Michael
Script & Animatic by The Pegbarians
- Liam McKeown
- BillyBCreations (https://www.youtube.com/user/BillyBcreations)
- Tim Bender (https://www.youtube.com/c/HYPEmationOfficial/)
- Rae (https://twitter.com/tinybirbsakuga)
- Tim Bender
- Liam McKeown
- Jenny Polden (https://twitter.com/zannyhyper)
- Rae (https://twitter.com/tinybirbsakuga)
- Claire MacKenzie
Colour by Tim Bender
Shading by EpicFaceFist & Tim Bender
Backgrounds by Daniel Arruda Massa
Post Production, Compositing & VFX by Tim Bender
Sound Design by Jason Dewey
Music Curation & Original Compositions by Joe Gizmode
Voice of Diovanni by Alex Walker Smith
Voice of Ash by Steven "Sarifus" Kelly
Voice of Misty & Jesse by Eileen "EileMonty" Montgomery
Voice of Adult Bug Catcher by Charkley
Voice of Brock by Blake Swift
Voice of Meowth by Florian Walraven
More Mashed:
PokeJojo: Bug Problem! (Part 1)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Poker Night
Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends!
Stay in touch with #mashed!
Facebook: http://facebook.com/thisismashed
Twitter: http://twitter.com/mashed
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisismashed
Email: mashed@theconnectedset.com
Thanks for watching!
Видео PokeJojo: DIOVANNI'S LAST STAND (Part 3) канала mashed
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