OLD NINJA Montage #2 (NinjasHyper Nostalgia)
I miss old Ninja. Ninja says he hasn't changed at all, but idk, I find his old content more enjoyable. I still enjoy him now, but he seemed liked he had more fun and was more focused on entertaining before all the fame and the pressure/distractions of it. Either way congrats to him on his success and enjoy another ninjashyper video.
✦Submit YOUR Clips! Send to ►LocandroClips@gmail.com◄
► Music:
▪ Outro Song: Omoshiroebi - Mille Feuille (Orig. Stepic)
►How to submit your videos & Fortnite clips to Locandro:
1) Upload your video to Youtube, Twitch, or Twitter
2) Send the link of your clip to this email:
( LocandroClips@gmail.com )
I will then watch the clip you've sent and if I like it, I will feature it in a future video!
3) That's it!
Видео OLD NINJA Montage #2 (NinjasHyper Nostalgia) канала Locandro
✦Submit YOUR Clips! Send to ►LocandroClips@gmail.com◄
► Music:
▪ Outro Song: Omoshiroebi - Mille Feuille (Orig. Stepic)
►How to submit your videos & Fortnite clips to Locandro:
1) Upload your video to Youtube, Twitch, or Twitter
2) Send the link of your clip to this email:
( LocandroClips@gmail.com )
I will then watch the clip you've sent and if I like it, I will feature it in a future video!
3) That's it!
Видео OLD NINJA Montage #2 (NinjasHyper Nostalgia) канала Locandro
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12 декабря 2018 г. 2:30:00
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