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Remedy for Negative Thinking: Use your Replacement Thoughts

Downloadable programs:
--- Living with ASD: eBook and Audio Instruction for Neurodiverse Couples— https://www.livingwithaspergerspartner.com/
--- Interpersonal Relationship Skills: eBook and Audio Instruction for Male Partners with ASD— https://www.neurodiversemarriage.org/2023/09/resolving-neurodiverse-marital-problems.html

Coaching services for autistic male partners:
--- Skype Group for ASD Men Struggling in Their Relationship with an NT Spouse: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/2020/11/group-for-asd-men-struggling-in-their.html
--- Skype Group: ASD Men’s Master Class: https://www.asdmasterclass.com/2022/02/asd-mens-masterclass.html

Coaching services for neurotypical female partners:
--- Skype Group for Neurotypical Women Struggling in Their Relationship with an ASD Spouse: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/2020/11/group-for-nt-women-struggling-in-their.html
--- Skype Group: Recovery from Cassandra Syndrome for Neurotypical Spouses: https://www.cassandrasyndromerecovery.com/2021/08/recovery-from-emotional-deprivation-for.html

Coaching services for the ASD + NT couple:
--- Skype Group for Neurodiverse Couples Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/2020/10/mark-hutten-m.html

Individual coaching services:
--- One-on-One Sessions for Struggling Individuals and Couples Affected by ASD: https://www.adultaspergerschat.com/2019/07/skype-counseling-for-struggling-couples.html

Access to “Members-Only” videos:
--- Get your perks here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUZG9TJ9LHwSfmHb4ogQmxA/join

Parenting resources:
--- Parenting System that Reduces Problematic Behavior in Children and Teens with ASD Level 1: https://www.myaspergerschild.com/2019/07/parenting-system-that-reduces.html
--- Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism: https://www.high-functioningautism.com/2016/10/parenting-children-and-teens-with-high_9.html
--- Discipline for Defiant Teens on the Autism Spectrum: https://www.myaspergersteen.com/
--- Preventing Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: https://www.autism-meltdowns.com/
--- Launching Adult Children with ASD Level 1: How to Promote Self-Reliance: https://www.launchingadultchildren.com/
--- Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Kids on the Spectrum: https://www.social-skills-emotion-management.com/
--- Unraveling The Mystery Behind Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: https://aspergers-mystery.blogspot.com/

Видео Remedy for Negative Thinking: Use your Replacement Thoughts канала Mark Hutten, M.A.
Marriage to men with Asperger syndrome, Cassandra syndrome and marriage, Relationship problems in autistic adults, Married to spouse with autism spectrum disorder, Communication problems with Aspergers husbands, Lack of empathy in marriage involving high functioning autism, No affection from man with ASD, Sexless marriage Asperger syndrome, Married to man on the autism spectrum, ASD and marriage difficulties, Cassandra Syndrome
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