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Parshat Bamidbar - Flags that separate and unite - Hillel Bierbrier, NCSY/JSU Canada

"Do you have a flag?" Other than waving in the breeze, what function does a flag have? Hillel Bierbrier, JSU Director for NCSY Canada, provides an explanation.
In this week's parsha, Bamidbar, The Twelve Tribes of Israel are given degalim, banners, to assemble into camps under as they wander the desert.
But why recognize these divisions now, rather than at Sinai, and how does this at the same time help to unite the people?

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Видео Parshat Bamidbar - Flags that separate and unite - Hillel Bierbrier, NCSY/JSU Canada канала NCSY Pulse: Powered by NCSY Alumni
Weekly Torah Portion, Bemidbar, Bamidbar, NCSY, NCSY Alumni, flags, Book Of Exodus (Book), Book Of Numbers (Book), Torah
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