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Mianwali Airbase Attack, Nepal Earthquake, and Israel-Hamas War day 29 | News9

Terrorists target Pakistan's Mianwali Airbase, Tehreek-e-Jihad has taken responsibility for this terrorist attack. Three terrorists were gunned down by the Pakistani army. Nepal faces a devastating earthquake claiming 154 lives, and tensions rise in the Israel-Hamas conflict. Get comprehensive coverage on these unfolding crises.Stay informed on the latest global events.
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#mianwali #pakistan #israelhamasconflict #gaza #hamasattackisrael #nepal #nepalearthquake

Видео Mianwali Airbase Attack, Nepal Earthquake, and Israel-Hamas War day 29 | News9 канала NEWS9 Live
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5 ноября 2023 г. 0:29:44
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