芒果冰酪/mango smoothie/芒果蔓越莓冰酪/mango cranberry smoothie/无蛋、无奶/材料简单/易学/无打蛋器
糖浆:水 白糖 1;1
水果 : 芒果, 柠檬
果干 :蔓越莓
According to the lack of attention to the weather for more than XX days, we believe that at least half of my dear audience lords are already in the heat of hell. Of course, in the face of this situation, I made this video today Of course, there is a way to help Da Yijia get rid of the bitter sea ~ Then, let me show my skills and teach you how to make fruit cheese that you can make at home, which is refreshing and delicious than ice cream ~
Syrup: water sugar 1; 1
Fruits: mango, lemon
Dried fruit: cranberry
Видео 芒果冰酪/mango smoothie/芒果蔓越莓冰酪/mango cranberry smoothie/无蛋、无奶/材料简单/易学/无打蛋器 канала 小萍mojo
糖浆:水 白糖 1;1
水果 : 芒果, 柠檬
果干 :蔓越莓
According to the lack of attention to the weather for more than XX days, we believe that at least half of my dear audience lords are already in the heat of hell. Of course, in the face of this situation, I made this video today Of course, there is a way to help Da Yijia get rid of the bitter sea ~ Then, let me show my skills and teach you how to make fruit cheese that you can make at home, which is refreshing and delicious than ice cream ~
Syrup: water sugar 1; 1
Fruits: mango, lemon
Dried fruit: cranberry
Видео 芒果冰酪/mango smoothie/芒果蔓越莓冰酪/mango cranberry smoothie/无蛋、无奶/材料简单/易学/无打蛋器 канала 小萍mojo
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