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帶著孩子去菜地,寶寶在一旁吵鬧,要一起幫忙摘菜 | Take baby to the vegetable field, baby to help pick vegetables

#小九趣事 #XiaojiuFun #ChineseFood

Видео 帶著孩子去菜地,寶寶在一旁吵鬧,要一起幫忙摘菜 | Take baby to the vegetable field, baby to help pick vegetables канала 小九趣事 Xiaojiu Fun
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22 апреля 2020 г. 20:47:06
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今天寶寶好乖,來菜地不搗亂,還拿著水瓢幫忙澆菜 | The baby is very good, not to trouble, but also help water the vegetables今天寶寶好乖,來菜地不搗亂,還拿著水瓢幫忙澆菜 | The baby is very good, not to trouble, but also help water the vegetables寶寶不要奶奶喂飯,卻要讓小哥哥喂,這畫面暖心了 | The baby doesn't want to be fed by grandma, but by his little brother寶寶不要奶奶喂飯,卻要讓小哥哥喂,這畫面暖心了 | The baby doesn't want to be fed by grandma, but by his little brother牛肉這樣吃真過癮,一次做一大盆,孩子也喜歡 | Boiled beef, a large pot at a time, children like牛肉這樣吃真過癮,一次做一大盆,孩子也喜歡 | Boiled beef, a large pot at a time, children like宅在家裡沒事做,媳婦包很多餃子,5個孩子吃得好香 | Make a lot of dumplings, five children eat delicious宅在家裡沒事做,媳婦包很多餃子,5個孩子吃得好香 | Make a lot of dumplings, five children eat delicious舅公孫子滿月,給我們拿了很多東西,看看都有什麼 | Uncle's grandson's full moon, gave us a lot of things舅公孫子滿月,給我們拿了很多東西,看看都有什麼 | Uncle's grandson's full moon, gave us a lot of things菜園芹菜長得好,兒媳摘一把包餃子,婆婆出馬就是不一樣,好吃 | Celery dumplings, divided into two cooking methods, delicious菜園芹菜長得好,兒媳摘一把包餃子,婆婆出馬就是不一樣,好吃 | Celery dumplings, divided into two cooking methods, delicious媳婦用臘肉炒包菜,一上桌就很受歡迎,比吃紅燒魚還香 | Braised pork with cabbage is more delicious than braised fish媳婦用臘肉炒包菜,一上桌就很受歡迎,比吃紅燒魚還香 | Braised pork with cabbage is more delicious than braised fish媳婦今天準備火鍋,一家人有說有笑的吃火鍋,真開心 | Eat hot pot, the family talking and laughing eating hot pot, really happy媳婦今天準備火鍋,一家人有說有笑的吃火鍋,真開心 | Eat hot pot, the family talking and laughing eating hot pot, really happy婆婆不在家,媳婦準備豪華版泡面,大人小孩搶著吃 | Deluxe version of instant noodles, adults and children scramble to eat婆婆不在家,媳婦準備豪華版泡面,大人小孩搶著吃 | Deluxe version of instant noodles, adults and children scramble to eat媳婦買了70元牛腩,用牛腩燉蘿蔔,孩子一口一口吃不停 | Stewed turnip with beef brisket, delicious, the child can't stop eating媳婦買了70元牛腩,用牛腩燉蘿蔔,孩子一口一口吃不停 | Stewed turnip with beef brisket, delicious, the child can't stop eating媳婦去摘菜,2歲寶寶也來幫忙,小丫頭太懂事了 | To pick vegetables, the baby also to help, the little girl is too sensible媳婦去摘菜,2歲寶寶也來幫忙,小丫頭太懂事了 | To pick vegetables, the baby also to help, the little girl is too sensible去菜地摘菜,發現婆婆種了一種新菜,不知道好不好吃 | To pick vegetables, found her mother-in-law planted a new dish去菜地摘菜,發現婆婆種了一種新菜,不知道好不好吃 | To pick vegetables, found her mother-in-law planted a new dish媳婦去菜地摘菜,一棵大白菜跟寶寶一樣高,綠油油看著喜人 | The cabbage is as tall as the baby, It looks very beautiful媳婦去菜地摘菜,一棵大白菜跟寶寶一樣高,綠油油看著喜人 | The cabbage is as tall as the baby, It looks very beautiful媳婦上街拿包裹,順便買了洋芋,煮一盤咖喱洋芋,真下飯媳婦上街拿包裹,順便買了洋芋,煮一盤咖喱洋芋,真下飯婆婆不在家,孩子又受傷,媳婦直呼好忙 | Pick green beans, simple stir-fry, delicious婆婆不在家,孩子又受傷,媳婦直呼好忙 | Pick green beans, simple stir-fry, delicious媳婦這次够大方,一口氣給寶寶買3件衣服,大家覺得好看不媳婦這次够大方,一口氣給寶寶買3件衣服,大家覺得好看不媳婦煮熱乾麵,孩子嘗一口後很傷心,為啥這麼辣 | Hot dry noodles, the children taste a very sad, why so hot媳婦煮熱乾麵,孩子嘗一口後很傷心,為啥這麼辣 | Hot dry noodles, the children taste a very sad, why so hot媳婦嘴饞去摘柚子,小狗不同意,只好摘個葫蘆瓜 | I went to pick a grapefruit, but the dog refused, so I picked a gourd媳婦嘴饞去摘柚子,小狗不同意,只好摘個葫蘆瓜 | I went to pick a grapefruit, but the dog refused, so I picked a gourd蘿蔔太多吃不完,婆媳倆一起做蘿蔔乾,好吃又下飯 | Turnip too much, the wife does turnip dry, delicious蘿蔔太多吃不完,婆媳倆一起做蘿蔔乾,好吃又下飯 | Turnip too much, the wife does turnip dry, delicious媳婦去趕集,花了52元看看買了啥,回味小時候的味道媳婦去趕集,花了52元看看買了啥,回味小時候的味道