Making A Custom Mandalorian Jetpack
Decided to do something different whilst the TIE Pilot is on hold. I've had this Jango Fett jetpack sitting around because I never got it finished for MEFCC this year so instead of just letting it sit around collecting dust I decided to turn it into a jetpack for my custom Mandalorian because what's a Mandalorian without his jetpack.
Overall this was a pretty fun experience and I'm excited to keep working on different props and there's some big stuff coming in the next few months so stay tuned and subscribed.
Follow me on
Instagram - @BluesArmory
Tik Tok - @BluesArmory
Blue's Armory is a channel built around my love for costuming and Star Wars I've been making Star Wars costumes for years and finally started to share my love with everyone else. I am by far not the best crafter in the world but I'm hoping through my mistakes people can learn new skills and what not to do on their journey through this hobby!
#starwars #cosplay #501st #costuming #mandalorian
Видео Making A Custom Mandalorian Jetpack канала Blue's Armory
star wars, jetpack, mandalorian, jango fett, cosplay, star wars costume, star wars cosplay, 3d printing
Overall this was a pretty fun experience and I'm excited to keep working on different props and there's some big stuff coming in the next few months so stay tuned and subscribed.
Follow me on
Instagram - @BluesArmory
Tik Tok - @BluesArmory
Blue's Armory is a channel built around my love for costuming and Star Wars I've been making Star Wars costumes for years and finally started to share my love with everyone else. I am by far not the best crafter in the world but I'm hoping through my mistakes people can learn new skills and what not to do on their journey through this hobby!
#starwars #cosplay #501st #costuming #mandalorian
Видео Making A Custom Mandalorian Jetpack канала Blue's Armory
star wars, jetpack, mandalorian, jango fett, cosplay, star wars costume, star wars cosplay, 3d printing
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6 июня 2024 г. 20:49:20
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