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June 15, 2015 Order of protection hearing - background link in description (click show more)

I went back with a lawyer to modify the order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM3-dhY3yOA
11/20/2019 UPDATE- follow me on Facebook for updates. Bring Dilara Home

8/29/2018 UPDATE- Basically, all my parental rights were terminated, without a TPR hearing on Aug. 17, 2018. Will upload a video of that hearing soon. It is on my Facebook (Lydia A Hubbell) videos, in "albums" in "photos". https://www.facebook.com/100011221786486/videos/vb.100011221786486/650701155313938/?type=3 Motion to alter or amend the April 19 order is to be heard Oct. 23, before I take the matter to the Tennessee Court of Appeals. My summary of the Aug. 17 hearing is here https://youtu.be/p9dO1SRiVfY

UPDATE-in September, 2017 Sarah Reist Digby asked Judge Robertson to enter a 5 year no-contact order between me and my child. I had a lawyer this time and Judge Robinson denied the request and sent the file over to Juvenile Court, where these things should have been heard in the first place.

https://youtu.be/R_6yjhLWLOw Sarah Reist going back to Juvenile and claiming (1:56 p.m. that it had not been their intention to have the judge order no contact between me and Dilara for a year. Proof she lied? This video never says they didn't want a no-contact order between me and Dilara for a year. The Peition for the order of protection specifically asks for for the child to be
protected" for a year with the father, and the father said the same thing in court...that he DID intend for the judge to "protect" the child from me with a no contact order.

You can't imagine what it is like to have to sit and listen to a lawyer These malicious, fraudulent orders of protection should never be issued, especially at these brief hearing, and especially when there is no attorney protecting the rights of the child.TRANSCRIPT COMPLETED AND AVAILABLE Dilara's Dad v. Hubbell I don't think I ever mention his name in this. If I did, it wasn't wilful.Text message from 2011 was basically a "pep talk" to myself showing him I was serious about an "experiment" we agreed to to see if we could work things out. He had threatened to hire a lawyer and take custody of our little girl if I had another man in my life. Neither of us wanted the other to bring a "significant other" into our child's life, so even though we didn't have feelings for EACH OTHER, we agreed to try to cultivate them. I was sincere, he was not. He was just trying to buy some time where he felt he had control of my life until he was ready to get custody. I said something about wanting to protect the family from "invaders" and I compared myself to a spartan at Thermopylae in my determination. Sadly, I had to cut our "experiment" short because it was just not a healthy situation and I knew what was going on. I made the decision to pull away from him because I knew staying in that sick relationship was more destructive than leaving it. There was nothing threatening in the text message and, again, it was almost 4 years old. And the judge would not let me see what they claimed were similar, more recent text messages.
The only time I ever did anything that might have been described as "forcing" my way into his house was after I had gone out with another man and he called me the next day wanting to know if I had had sex with the man. I had not,, but it was alarming to me that he was asking and that he was threatening to take my daughter away from me. It was in 2011 and I was so frustrated I kind of pushed my way past him and laid down on his floor until we had "hashed things out". It was not pretty. It was during a transitional time of my life and I was NOT in a good mental state. HE was the one harassing and controlling ME and I wasn't sure how to deal with it. At the time the custody battle began in April of 2014, I had been mentally stable for quite a while, after working very hard to take control of my own feelings and to establish healthy boundaries.

The reason he feels "controlled" by me is because he is not able to control me. He really does experience a lot of anxiety, but all I want is for us to stay out of each others' lives as much as possible. He wants to cut me out of our daughter's life so he can be in total control.

The "love songs" were Amy Grant songs about Jesus' love. There was nothing romantic about it. I love the man and I wish he knew the love of Jesus. I do believe it is constitutionally protected and it had a legitimate purpose. I was making an effort to express good will and a spirit of cooperation.

The "threatening email" was just to express my frustration with him after he filed false child abuse charges against me and was withholding my child from what had been my scheduled parenting time for the past 3 years. I never said I was going to hit him. He has a black belt in Taekwando and he's almost a foot taller than me and I am chronically ill. That image of Ralphie fighting back against Scut Farkus just popped into my head. I shared that. It wasn't a threat.

Видео June 15, 2015 Order of protection hearing - background link in description (click show more) канала Lydia Hubbell
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