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Samsung's Making TVs Beautiful in 2017!

Samsung presents the new 2017 QLED TV range at its launch in the Carrousel du Louvre, Paris.

The TV has incredible style, beautiful picture quality and top-of-the range smart features.

One of the standout features of the QLED is its ability to create a strong contrast that fairs

much better compared with an LED/LCD due to QLED's ability to create unmatched brightness.

For more information on Samsung's QLED TV, visit http://www.samsung.com/global/tv

Above description by Samsung. Anyway, thank you to all of you for making this happen.

Music is by the awesome Anitek. Thank you buddy!


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As always, thank you.

Видео Samsung's Making TVs Beautiful in 2017! канала Ash Tailor (ashthought)
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5 апреля 2017 г. 2:30:00
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