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7 мая 2018 г. 21:28:29
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Does water reaching the throat break my fast? #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemDoes water reaching the throat break my fast? #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemAre phrases like Radi Allah, Alaihis salam, Rahimahu Allah biddah, innovation? - Assim al hakeemAre phrases like Radi Allah, Alaihis salam, Rahimahu Allah biddah, innovation? - Assim al hakeemTurning head right & left when calling the adhan / athan into the microphone 🎤 assim al hakeemTurning head right & left when calling the adhan / athan into the microphone 🎤 assim al hakeemTaking money from your children #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemTaking money from your children #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemNight is too short, can I combine Isha with Maghrib so that I get sleep & don't miss Fajr assimNight is too short, can I combine Isha with Maghrib so that I get sleep & don't miss Fajr assimThe Prophetic way of dealing with Mistakes (12) Full episode (Q & A 2nd half) #assim assim al hakeemThe Prophetic way of dealing with Mistakes (12) Full episode (Q & A 2nd half) #assim assim al hakeemWhat's stopping muslims from being influencers in technology, science, theology assim al hakeemWhat's stopping muslims from being influencers in technology, science, theology assim al hakeemSiren (or cannon) instead of maghrib adhan to indicate time for iftar - permissible? assim al hakeemSiren (or cannon) instead of maghrib adhan to indicate time for iftar - permissible? assim al hakeemLive with Restream Ask ZadLive with Restream Ask ZadIf a person misses prayer due to sleep must he pray immediately or can he delay? - Assim al hakeemIf a person misses prayer due to sleep must he pray immediately or can he delay? - Assim al hakeemIs saying Allahu Akbar after finishing fard prayer a sunnah? (Misinterpreted Hadith) assim al hakeemIs saying Allahu Akbar after finishing fard prayer a sunnah? (Misinterpreted Hadith) assim al hakeemCan I delay praying dhuhr at school due to the fear of mass shootings happening? - Assim al hakeemCan I delay praying dhuhr at school due to the fear of mass shootings happening? - Assim al hakeemIf I don't work & can't pay fidya for not fasting, must my husband or children do it assim al hakeemIf I don't work & can't pay fidya for not fasting, must my husband or children do it assim al hakeemShould I say Ghufranak first or the dua of wudu after coming out of washroom? assim al hakeemShould I say Ghufranak first or the dua of wudu after coming out of washroom? assim al hakeemRuling on someone who doesn't want to gain knowledge so that he won't be accountable assim al hakeemRuling on someone who doesn't want to gain knowledge so that he won't be accountable assim al hakeemDua between 2 & 4 rakahs of Taraweeh - is it authentic? #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemDua between 2 & 4 rakahs of Taraweeh - is it authentic? #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeemHow to know if a dream is from Allah or satan? What to do if we see a bad dream? - assim al hakeemHow to know if a dream is from Allah or satan? What to do if we see a bad dream? - assim al hakeemSwallowed water while rinsing mouth & nose in wudu, is fast valid? OCD due to blocked nose assimSwallowed water while rinsing mouth & nose in wudu, is fast valid? OCD due to blocked nose assimCan we put Nasheeds, Quran, Adhan as ringtone? - Assim al hakeemCan we put Nasheeds, Quran, Adhan as ringtone? - Assim al hakeemDoes pausing in prayer (trying to remember an ayah) require sujood as sahu? - Assim al hakeemDoes pausing in prayer (trying to remember an ayah) require sujood as sahu? - Assim al hakeemWhen is the last time for Maghrib & beginning time for Isha prayer? - Assim al hakeemWhen is the last time for Maghrib & beginning time for Isha prayer? - Assim al hakeem