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田田田田田っと丹波路へ Country but City life Japan

The Fukuchiyama Line is a commuter line in the Osaka area.
The Fukuchiyama Line isn't simply a line that connects Osaka with northern Kinki but is also a commuter line for office workers and students who commute from the cities of eastern Hyogo to Osaka.
Up to 1986, the Fukuchiyama Line was a tranquil local line where passenger local trains ran and the scenery of a River stream was enjoyed.

In Japan, May is the season of "Taue" (rice planting).
Taue is the activity occurring from May to June of transplanting rice seedlings from nursery to rice paddy.

(1:43) Rice seedling planting machine

Their majority are businessman on the weekdays.
They spend holiday on agricultural work.

Видео 田田田田田っと丹波路へ Country but City life Japan канала angelspringsTavio
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10 мая 2014 г. 2:26:48
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