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This dream from the Lord is very telling of the times we are entering into. Many people are talking about the fire and the move of the Holy Spirit. Many people however will be easily deceived because it is the enemy's mission to have church teachers, pastors, senior saints and sisters and brothers in the faith that people look upto talking the talk about Christ without walking the walk IN Christ.

Rather than leading the people to Jesus, some individuals will lead many into a jungle of wild confusion in the name of revival. The people following will find themselves hungering and thirsting because they are not receiving the spiritual meat, nor the authentic refreshing of the Spirit or the basic necessities for discipleship in order to remain strong and fight this fight of faith. Consequently, in desperation many will fall into fleshy and compromising decisions because there is no intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

Compromise is not a fruit of the Spirit, in fact it is an abomination to the Lord and 100% disobedience. In these end times, the church MUST be prayerful and eager to WAIT upon the Lord. Being discerning is not about being judgemental, accusing everyone and being suspicious, being discerning is about being yielded to the voice of the Holy Spirit who will inform your decisions, expose the truth and lead you to prayerfully lift up matters of concern to the Lord with a passion for love to reign rather than gossip.

We must discern and study the scriptures so that we are not blindly being led along in stagnant sewage that people are believing are rivers of revival waters.

Deception gets you to believe what is ALMOST right over what is COMPLETELY right. It dazzles you with half truths and appeals to itching ears. Young people in the faith are a target and these young people in the dream were easily swayed because they were more interested in this leader's words and ignored his actions.

They refused to listen to the voice of the Spirit warning them to get out and were ready to do almost anything even detestable things simply because they wanted to see a move of God. Sadly they did not study the Word or pray and ate every word that proceeded from this wicked mentor rather than the scriptures.

In the dream they were encouraged to eat a dead body and a crocodile.To eat often means throughout the Bible to partake in something, to indulge in something, to fellowship in something or to nourish oneself. Jesus had fellowship with His disciples when they ate together at Passover and when He fed the multitudes. Jesus also encourages us to eat His body and drink His blood to commune with HIM. However this leader in the dream wanted us to eat the flesh of a DEAD man with flies.

The crocodile is indicative of indulgence and partaking in destructive, sly and demonic practices, furthermore in this dream, the encouragement to eat a dead body with flies is not a literal dead body but is symbolic of how in these end times the enemy will lure people away from eating Jesus' flesh to indulging in abominable and unclean things.

These young and eager individuals will genuinely have pure hearts and a desire for God but will sadly not be as eager for alone time with the Lord and consequently make excuses for the obvious compromising practices happening.

WE need to therefore operate in the wisdom of God and the boldness of the Spirit to aid us in standing up for what is right and true as the deception will overtake many (notice, those who fled were in the minority.)

In this dream few heard the voice of the Spirit and many were glued/hypnotised by someone preaching revival. If not for prayer and fasting and the grace of God people will find it very hard to escape these deceptions, as power and smooth words will be more tantalising and appealing to many in these last days as opposed to the character of Christ and observation to the scriptures.

There are people preaching revival and gossiping, slandering, teaching unbiblical things and participating in demonic practices however many people will choose to look over this due to their gifting or their desire to see a move of God. God wants us to understand (me included) that revival is not simply falling out in the Spirit but a life that is yielded to Jesus, revival is not just shouting but a life filled with fellowship, faithfulness and fear of the Lord.

Love you all so much! Praying for you always. God bless! Share and subscribe

Видео PROPHETIC WARNING DREAM - DECEPTION & MANIPULATION (read description!) канала Crowned In Faith
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31 мая 2018 г. 15:04:50