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Black Convict Cichlid Fish Tank Care & Setup

Aquarium Black Convict Cichlid Tank Care is pretty easy. These are some of the toughest fish on the planet. Still a super cool Cichlid though. Try out my favorite pro series sponge filters. Here is a link:

PRO Sponge Filter: https://amzn.to/2EcYciA

More people’s comments and questions:
Hey we just finished the water change and everyone seems happier. Even the new snails Are out and about again. the fish have stopped tilting but are now sitting at the bottom. we did a huge water change so it might just be stress idk. But im praying that they get better. My boyfriend bought them bc he was sad after losing his childhood dog. it was an impulse buy bc the fish looks so sad and sick at walmart and he felt like he could relate. He bought 3 Fancy goldfish and a ten gallon tank.

Fancy Black Convicts

After he started to feel better about losing his dog he didnt want the fish anymore. But i fell inlove with their little faces. So i got them a 40 gallon breeder some sand and still plaining more upgrades. I love them like i love my dogs. so im quite worried for them. and im very mad he didnt tell me the frog died. We just got the frog a month ago. https://youtu.be/YNLbsMSe45g

His head was deformed and endented. So i wanted to give him a good home. Im sad he died but since i barely saw him i didnt get as attached as i am my fish. Im happy he died in a nice tank instead of the 1 gallon he was in when we got him... Thank you so much. And after a few hours ill update my post to tell everyone how they are doing... Plus the peas wont work anyway.

They refuse to eat them. They havent had veggies before so i dont think they know what it is yet. but ill leave them in there for a bit and see if they will try it. Could be dropsy. I'm having a similar issue with one of my females. She has been through hell though between ick and another illness I treated. Hopefully it's not dropsy for this pretty guy. I'm reading dropsy is simply a symptom of organ failure, which is scary. Has his health been good up until this point?

Well If I were you I'd do some research on dropsy. I wish I knew enough myself to advise you. I wonder what your water is like? Do you know your parameters? For my female I gave her an aquarium salt bath for 45 min today with stress coat as the water conditioner, her swimming improved after she readjusted to her tank but I'll have to see how she is in the morning and maybe bathe her again. I wish I could help more.

Mine did this when he had swim bladder when I brought him home. Is he new? Or, did this just start after you had seen healthy behavior? It could easily be this too. Try not feeding him for a couple more days and do a water change to keep things clean and hopefully the bloating will pass. Also make sure your waters temp is nice and warm, atleast 78.

He seems to have a tumour under his throat, is this possible? Thank you I will try that, he’s kept in a tank with neon tetras, think the temp with affect them. I don't see the tumor, you probably can't get a clear shot of it hey? Neons are also tropical and should be kept at heated temps about 75° or higher ( not too high haha) you just need to be sure the tank only increases one degree a day, too fast and you'll shock everyone. Between 78-80 is better for healing than 75 or less.

Alright thank you, yeah a clear shot is hard with the lighting and the fact he moves when I get close (he’s excited to have me home from my holiday haha). What’s the chance he’ll make it through all this? Honestly I wanted to say that if you act fast you should be able to save him. But it's truly hard to say until you know what you're dealing with. Wouldn't hurt to do some researching online and see what kinds of treatments/baths are most effective. Good luck.

Yeah agreed. I’ve had one do this when I brought him home, and another started to do this, so I got seriously obsessive about water parameters, daily gravel vacuums, Indian almond leaves and a 2 day fast followed by a day of only a few daphnia treats (I believe this is a laxative?). Then we went back to normal routine and both did great. It’s not your fault if he doesn’t pull through. You’re trying. Also, my disclaimer: I’m new to this hobby(less than a year). This is what worked for mine, but I’m not steadfast in recommending anything yet.

Get your water checked asap, make sure its not a water quality issue, also id put him back in the tank as hes not in filtred water! And do some small partial water changes untill you can get ur water parameters checked ...hope this helps. Ps dont feed him untill you can you water checked. Is the white lump like a tumor or growth, or is it a tiny white dot or spec? Happy he's found a place to hold him upright, that's better for him that laying up top flopping around.

Видео Black Convict Cichlid Fish Tank Care & Setup канала Palmer Aquatics
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