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When You're Not Smarter Than A Fifth Grader. Rick D'Elia

When you're not smarter than a fifth grader, you should tell everyone that fact in your comedy special, or at least thats what Rick D'Elia did in his first ever Dry Bar Comedy special. In this full comedy special from Rick D'Elia, Rick tells how he discovered he wasn't smarter than a fifth grader along with a myriad of other stories that are sure to have any fan of comedy laughing from beginning to end. If you enjoyed this clip form Rick D'Elia, be sure to check out the links below for even more Dry Bar Comedians you might enjoy!

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Видео When You're Not Smarter Than A Fifth Grader. Rick D'Elia канала Dry Bar Comedy
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4 ноября 2022 г. 4:45:00
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