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Jacen Solo: Shaped by Pain

Hello there!

*singing* "Guess who's back, back again" Here I am, two days later! Don't get used to it. Let's talk about the video. This one is a different style than my other videos. (Apologies in advance for the fast text.) Overview of Jacen's life for those who don't know the EU: Han and Leia Solo had twins: Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin (not Anakin Skywalker). All three kids became Jedi. When they were teens, the Yuuzhan Vong (an alien species obsessed with pain that wanted to take over the galaxy) invaded the galaxy. (The Yuuzhan Vong could also create/change living things.) They created a creature to hunt down and kill Jedi. Anakin Solo led a team (including Jacen and Jaina) to kill the original creature (which they were cloning). The mission was a success, but Anakin sacrificed his life during it. Afterwards, Vegere (who is not Yuuzhan Vong, but was with them) captured Jacen. She tortured him, but eventually they came to become more of a teacher and student, and they escaped from the Vong. Due to his time spent with the Vong, Jacen knew a lot about them and was able to stop them and negotiate a peace between them and the New Republic. After this, he went on a five year sojurn to learn about the force. When he came back, he and Tenel Ka became lovers and had a secret baby named Allana. (Tenel Ka and Jacen trained together to be Jedi, but Tenel Ka ended up leaving the Jedi Order to rule Hapes.) About at the same time, Jacen became a lot closer to his cousin Ben Skywalker. Ben had closed himself off from the force as a baby because it scared him. Jacen was the only one who was able to bring him out of his shell. Jacen became the unofficial Master of Ben (Jacen was only a Knight, so he couldn't officially train him). Later, Lumiya (a Dark Lady of the Sith) shows up. (Btw, she and Luke have a lot of history, including trying to murder each other, and being bf/gf.) She turns Jacen to the dark side through the power of logic. Jacen thinks that becoming a Sith is the only way to save the galaxy. He became a Sith because he was selfless, not because he was selfish. Mara (former special assassin of the Emperor, Jedi Master, Luke's wife, and Ben's mom) finds out that Jacen is a Sith, and instead of telling other people, she goes off by herself to hunt down and kill him. She and Jacen (now Darth Caedus) have a really long fight, which Jacen wins. Ben finds out Jacen killed his mom so he tries to kill him (he failed). Jacen tortures Ben to make him into a better Sith apprentice. Luke saves his son. The three of them have a fight, which Luke had a chance to win but chose not too because he knew if he did so, Ben would be lost to the dark side. Btw, while all this is happening there's a galaxy wide civil war going on. Jacen's kind of in the center of it. He did a bunch more horrible stuff, like burning Kashyyyk (home of the Wookies), kidnapping and threatening to kill his daughter, killing Boba Fett's daughter in interrogation, etc. You get the picture. Somehow he'd convinced himself that this was all okay because it was to save the galaxy. Jacen/Caedus thought the ends justify the means. Anyway, the Jedi tried to capture him or try to turn him back to the light. Nothing worked. Jaina realized that they would need to kill him to stop him. She went to Mandalore to be trained by Boba Fett and learn how to kill Jedi so she could kill her brother. She came back to where the Jedi were hiding out (because they left Coruscant after they decided Jacen went completely dark side) and requested permission to assassinate Darth Caedus. They said yes. She confronted Jacen (twice actually, but the first time didnt' work, and Luke was making it look like he was fighting Jacen instead of Jaina because he was messing with Jacen's visions of the future). Anyway, long story short they faced off in battle and Jaina won. (But like right when she killed him she felt him calling out to Tenel Ka and Allana, warning them [Jacen had teamed up with the remnant of the Empire, but they didn't listen to him and made a genetically targeted killing virus for the royal family of Hapes. He had just found out about this and was trying to warn them when Jaina showed up.]) So, yeah that's the story of Jacen Solo. Um, back to talking about the video. Jacen's life is really sad and a lot of it revolves around pain (which is why the the vid is called Jacen Solo: Shaped by Pain). So, um, yeah, that's it. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This is perfectly legal under the "fair use" law as it is both limited and transformative. The images were found on Google Images and Yahoo Images, and belong to Disney, Lucasfilm, and various artists. The song is "Redemption" by Mitchell Broom. Some of the text is my own, other is from the books "Traitor" by Mathew Stover, "Betrayel" by Troy Denning, "Bloodlines" by Karen Traviss, and "Invincible" by Troy Denning. (Go read them.) Editing is my own.

God bless and may the force be with you,

Видео Jacen Solo: Shaped by Pain канала Jaina Solo
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21 ноября 2018 г. 5:22:58