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發現號 - Rubberband (covered by the strings roc)

呢首歌我會囉去投犒,希望過到第一輪喇 哈哈,
鍾意既話就C(Comment) L(Like) S(Subscribe)喇
PS: Intro 樂隊名錯左,請見諒

Lockdown Day 33,
This is a Cantonese song from a Hong Kong band called Rubber band,
If you are interested you can search for them on youtube :)
If you like the video, please comment, like and subscribe to my channel,
Also please follow my Instagram. :)

IG:the_strings_roc or https://www.instagram.com/the_strings_roc/?hl=zh-cn
outro track: Sunrise in Rio

Видео 發現號 - Rubberband (covered by the strings roc) канала Dominic Leung
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