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Humpback Whale Ocean Inspiration Annie Crawley Tonga 4K

There's nothing like the love between a mother and baby. I created Ocean Minutes to connect you to the real world ocean and give everyone a social emotional break from whatever is happening to take you into the world that lives just below the surface.

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Humpback whales migrate thousands of miles each year from their polar feeding grounds to tropical and subtropical areas to breed and give birth, living off their fat stores. They have lived on our planet for millions of years. During the 20th century, more than 200,000 humpback whales were taken, reducing their population by more than 90%. The International Whaling Commission banned commercial humpback whaling in 1966 to prevent extinction as their global population depleted to 5,000 animals. In 1970 they were protected by the Endangered Species Act and the King of Tonga declared his people will no longer hunt humpback whales, but that we will swim with them. During the past 50 years, they've rebounded worldwide to nearly 80,000 whales and have been classified into 14 distinct populations, nine of which no longer need to be considered endangered. I've had the pleasure to swim, photograph and film these sentient beings in the wild around the world. It's amazing to visit the humpback whale nursery in Tonga. The mother keeps her baby close, caressing one another as the mother nurses and cares for her baby. When you look into the eye of a mother humpback whale, she shares her life story with you. These intimate moments between a mother humpback whale, her baby, me, and you. The mother and baby humpback whales communicate with one another through whisper like grunts and squeaks to avoid predators, inaudible to us. Part of a male humpback whale's song which I captured in the field with a hydrophone is embedded in the sound design to transport you to their world. After one year of caring for her baby, the young whale must find their way in the world on their own. There's something sacred about the love between mother and baby...

About Annie Crawley:
Annie Crawley has worked around the world with cameras in hand, mostly below the surface of our ocean. Born and raised in Chicago, she fell in love with water swimming in our Great Lakes as she did not see the ocean until after graduating from the University of Illinois. After she learned to scuba dive, she took a calculated risk and sold her car to purchase her first underwater camera systems. As an underwater explorer, she was inducted into the Women Divers Hall of Fame in 2010, earned her Master of Communications at University of Washington, and is a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps trained by Al Gore. She now calls Edmonds, WA home. She has created a series of illustrated books and programs to entertain, educate and awe people about life within our ocean.

The Our Ocean and You Campaign has reached tens of thousands of people around the world. We continue to create partnerships to promote ocean health. Annie shares the beauty and wonder of exploring our ocean together with three major issues: pollution, climate change, and sustainability. Visit http://OurOceanAndYou.com to learn more.

Видео Humpback Whale Ocean Inspiration Annie Crawley Tonga 4K канала Annie Crawley
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24 ноября 2021 г. 5:04:27