His Holiness Pope Peter III is the True Vicar of Christ on earth!
His Holiness Pope Peter III is the True Vicar of Christ on earth!
Holy Palmarian See – El Palmar de Troya – Seville - Spain
Visit our website: www.palmarianchurch.org
Видео His Holiness Pope Peter III is the True Vicar of Christ on earth! канала Palmarian Church
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Holy Palmarian See – El Palmar de Troya – Seville - Spain
Visit our website: www.palmarianchurch.org
Видео His Holiness Pope Peter III is the True Vicar of Christ on earth! канала Palmarian Church
#blessed, #blessedmother, #cathedral, #catholic, #catholicchurch, #catholicfaith, #catholicism, #catholicmass, #catholicprayer, #christ, #christian, #christianity, #holybible, #holyeucharist, #holyghost, #holymass, #holyrosary, #jesus, #jesuschrist, #jesuscristo, #mothermary, #motherofgod, #palmar, #palmardetroya, #palmarianchurch, #pope, #popepeteriii, #pray, #prayer, #prayerworks, #priest, #saintjoseph, #traditionalcatholic
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21 февраля 2025 г. 20:02:58
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