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How To Get A 3 Month Old Baby To Sleep Well!

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How To Get a 3 Month Old Baby To Sleep Well!

Do you wish your 3 month old baby would take longer naps, or wake less often in the night? You're ready to get your baby sleeping well and get some more rest yourself too!

Here you'll find out all about 3 month old baby sleep problems and solutions!

How to get your baby to sleep longer, stop waking so often at night and nap well. You'll find tips on the best bedtime for your baby, how to stop co-sleeping, and how to get your baby on a daily routine / schedule.

3 Month Old Sleep Problems Guide: https://www.babysleepmadesimple.com/3-month-old-sleep-problems

Easy Sleep Schedule for Your 3 Month Old:

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Common Sleep Problems for 3 Month-Olds (& How to Fix Them!)

Baby wakes more than 4 times at night:
3 month-olds can sleep 3-5 hours at night without needing to feed (some can go even longer.) This means that it’s normal for your baby to need up to 3 night feedings at this age. If your baby is waking a lot more than this, she’s probably using feeding (or pacifier, rocking, etc..) as a means to fall back asleep.
This is the perfect age to gently teach your baby new sleep associations, such as falling asleep independently. You can do this very slowly. If you’ve been feeding, rocking or holding her until she falls asleep make a conscious effort each day to shorten this calming ritual by 1 minute. Just 1 minute! Every day attempt to put her down a bit more awake. After a few weeks she’ll be used to going down drowsy. Trust me, you’ll have a much easier time with the 4 month sleep regression if you start this now. Plus you’ll dramatically reduce the chance that you’ll have to sleep train in a few months.

Baby's bedtime is later than 10 pm:
Often a late nap is the culprit. To get your baby used to an appropriate bedtime of 7:30-9 pm, try to space her naps so that she has 2-3 hours of awake time in the late afternoon/early evening. It will take several days to work toward this. Start a consistent bedtime routine 30 minutes before her desired bedtime to cue relaxation. Babies learn through repetition and consistency.
If you think that keeping your baby up late at night will help her sleep in later in the morning, think again! As much as we’d all love to sleep in until 9 am, babies are naturally early risers. It’s in their hard-wiring. Your best bet is an earlier bedtime to avoid an over-tired (and cranky) 3 month-old.

Baby thinks 5-6 am is a great time to start the day:
Is her bedtime too early? Remember, 3 month-olds are expected to sleep only 9-11 hours at night. So a bedtime before 7 pm is too early.
Is her bedtime too late? It seems counterintuitive, but a really late bedtime can cause early risings. Think of it like jet lag. Even though you’re exhausted after a 15-hour trip, you find yourself wide awake in the middle of the night. If your baby is over-tired, her nervous system becomes overstimulated and she’ll have trouble sleeping soundly.
Have I confused you yet?? The main idea is to find the bedtime “sweet spot” that works best for your baby. For the majority of 3 month-olds, this falls between 7:30-9 pm.

Will my baby ever sleep in her own bed?
If your baby is bed-sharing or in a co-sleeper and you’re eager to transition her to her own bed, the best method is slowly and gently.
The idea is to increase the distance between you and your baby every few nights. So slowly that she barely notices!
If you’ve been cuddled up together, the first move will be a 1-foot distance between the two of you.
The next move could be placing her crib next to your side of the bed for a few nights.
After that you can slowly move her crib to another spot in your room or into his own room.
Don’t get discouraged if your baby rejects this transition right away. Just keep trying each night. Over time, your consistency will teach her how to adjust.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends sharing a room with your baby until her first birthday. If you need to move your baby into her room before then, try sleeping in her room for a few nights. Using a baby monitor also helps to allay many parent anxieties.

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