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Green Sea Turtles coming for rest on Richardson Black Sand Beach and a cute Plover

Green Sea Turtles coming for rest on Richardson Black Sand Beach and a cute Sandpiper Hilo Big Island Hawaii

Green sea turtle

Family: Cheloniidae
Genus: Chelonia

Binomial name:

Chelonia mydas

Historically, green turtles have played a large role in Polynesian and Micronesian cultures. In addition to being used as a food source, native
peoples all over the Pacific utilized all parts of the turtle making tools and jewelry out of the bones, and containers and utensils out of the
carapace. Turtle fat was sometimes used for medicinal purposes to treat burns and other skin disorders. Turtles were often considered the
property of the tribal chief and their utilization was regulated by some form of island council.

In the Hawaiian Islands, there were families that considered the green turtle a personal family deity or aumakua, not to be eaten or harmed. One
legendary example is the story from the Big Island of Hawaii of the turtle named Kauila. She was believed to be able to change at will into human
form to watch over the village children playing near the shore. Artistic elements of green turtles have also been featured prominently in some
cultures of the region, such as petroglyphs and tattoo designs.




The green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), also known as the green turtle, black (sea) turtle, or Pacific green turtle, is a large sea turtle of the family
Cheloniidae. It is the only species in the genus Chelonia. Its range extends throughout tropical and subtropical seas around the world, with two distinct populations in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The common name comes from the usually green fat found beneath its carapace.

C. mydas is mostly herbivorous. The adults usually inhabit shallow lagoons, feeding mostly on various species of seagrasses.

Like other sea turtles, green sea turtles migrate long distances between feeding grounds and hatching beaches. Many islands worldwide are
known as Turtle Island due to green sea turtles nesting on their beaches. Females crawl out on beaches, dig nests and lay eggs during the night.

Later, hatchlings emerge and scramble into the water. Those that reach maturity may live to eighty years in the wild.

C. mydas is listed as endangered by the IUCN and CITES and is protected from exploitation in most countries. It is illegal to collect, harm or kill them. In addition, many countries have laws and ordinances to protect nesting areas. However, turtles are still in danger due to human activity. In some countries, turtles and their eggs are hunted for food. Pollution indirectly harms turtles at both population and individual scales. Many turtles die caught in fishing nets. Also, real estate development often causes habitat loss by eliminating nesting beaches.


And as per my YT friend wzukr the cute bird is a Black-bellied Plover in non-breeding plumage.


Semipalmated sandpiper


The semipalmated sandpiper (Calidris pusilla) is a very small shorebird. Adults have black legs and a short, stout, straight dark bill. The body is
dark grey-brown on top and white underneath. The head and neck are tinged light grey-brown. This bird can be difficult to distinguish from other similar tiny shorebirds, in particular the western sandpiper; these are known collectively as "peeps" or "stints".

Видео Green Sea Turtles coming for rest on Richardson Black Sand Beach and a cute Plover канала my35Xvision
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23 октября 2014 г. 3:55:06