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Good boy. 🇲​🇪​🇴​🇼​

ovo!!! CR3BIT: nacho.the.indian.ringneck
https://www.instagram.com/nacho.the.indian.ringneck/ !!!ovo
Permission to post granted by original poster.
-SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS HERE: https://goo.gl/forms/LXCYLTvcZpmTkZRk1
-If you use discord and love birbs, make sure to join our discord server: https://discord.me/birbmemes
⚠️ ovo-=-=-=-⚠️-=-=-=-ovo ⚠️
Before buying a bird please realize they're not toys, and there's no guarantee they'll be as funny/cute/affectionate as birds you see on internet.
You buy them to love them, not to be entertained. ♥
⚠️ ovo-=-=-=-⚠️-=-=-=-ovo ⚠️

Видео Good boy. 🇲​🇪​🇴​🇼​ канала Birb
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