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My Marvel GI Joe A Real American Hero Comics Collection Cover Run-Through

Back in March 2021, my family and I lost our home and nearly everything we owned to a devastating fire that leveled our home. One of the few precious items that managed to survive was one box of my comic book collection that was buried in the back corner of my closet which was the last part of the home to be burned. My collection suffered from smoke and water damage as the fire fighters used my room as an entrance to contain the blaze. While there were several issues that got soaked, most were protected in bags/boards and insulated by clothes that fell on top of the long box.

I made this video to show others my collection of all the covers from the 1982-1994 Marvel run. Each cover is a prized piece of art in my eyes and the memorable story line involving so many fascinating characters told over the span of many years brings me just as much joy now as it did when I was a kid. I’m so thankful to have this collection completed again and the ability to reread any time I fell like being a kid again.

Видео My Marvel GI Joe A Real American Hero Comics Collection Cover Run-Through канала Fincher Technologies
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19 июля 2021 г. 23:46:00
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