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Do You Have A Controlling Spouse or Husband?! [10 SIGNS]

***If you have a question, email is the best way to get a hold of me. Since I'm getting so many responses on YouTube these days, I think it's best to gather all questions in one place so I can keep offering my support and advice. Feel free to email at: kristin@kristincoaching.com

Nobody wants to have a controlling spouse for a partner. Being in a relationship with a controlling person can be damaging to you and your health and ultimately your marriage or relationship.

Often time, signs for a controlling husband or wife are not present at the beginning of the relationship but show up later.

Many people tend to ignore their controlling partner and brush it off as 'not a big deal'.

You have control over your life and you can make decisions that will benefit or hinder your life. If you are in a relationship where there is physical violence (hitting, pushing, shoving, kicking, biting, etc.), there are domestic violence resources.

Tell someone so you can get help.

It is also important to know that a controlling spouse can manifest in other ways besides physical violence.

Having a controlling partner can lead to severe emotional abuse, which is not a healthy situation or relationship to be in.

If you are in a relationship where the signs of having a controlling husband pertain to you, it is important to understand the severity of the situation.

Here are some signs of a controlling spouse:

1. Jealousy

Often times a controlling spouse will not trust you and tend to monitor your day-to-day activities.

If you have a husband who is watching everything you do and monitoring your day-to-day activities, that is a huge red flag.

2. Isolation

This is often one of the first signs of controlling behavior. If you feel there are restrictions on when you are allowed to spend time with your family and friends, that is a red glad.

Often times having a controlling husband, it is common for that person to make negative comments about other people in your lives that you are close to for the purpose to get you to eventually isolate from them.

It is also common for you to eventually start agreeing with his opinion, which makes it seem like you are the one making the choice not to spend time with family and friends when in reality, it is not your own volition doing that.

3. Financial control

If your husband starts taking over your financial spending, that is a huge red flag that you are being controlled. If your husband denies you of having money and monitors every dollar you spend, that is not a healthy situation to be in.

4. Feeling Criticized

Often times in controlling relationships, victims feel that can't do anything "right" as their husbands will criticize their choices and put them down for various things they do.

Often times the victim of the controlling husband feels unloved, disappointed, and hurt by their partner's comments.

5. Guilt

It is common for a controlling spouse to make comments that make you feel guilty or bad about things.

This is why many victims of control blame themselves for all of the problems because they feel it is their fault.

6. Putting You In Debt

It is common that at the beginning of the relationship, your other person sweeps you off your feel with expensive meals and luxurious gifts.

When the trust begins to build on your part and you eventually become committed, it is common that future debt will go into your name. Credit cards in your name, cars in your name, etc.

And before you know it, you feel financially trapped. This makes it more challenging to leave the relationship if you are unhappy in it.

7. Accusations

It is common for controlling husbands to accuse you of doing things you are not doing as an attempt to control your behaviors.

You don't want to make your spouse upset so much that you become an open book and allow him to look through things just to "prove" you are not doing anything wrong. This is a form of mental manipulation.

8. No "Me" Time

If your spouse does not allow you to be by yourself, away from him, that is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. We all need time and space to think and reflect on our day to day life.

9. Feeling Not Good Enough

In any controlling relationship, it is common to not feel that you are not a good wife or partner and that you are not good enough. So much mental manipulation has happened that you feel you are the cause of the problems and thus are not good enough.

Many times your spouse will make comments that make you feel you are not as pretty or talented as other people.

10. Husband Does Not Listen To You

If you give opinions that your husband does not take into consideration, that is a sign you are being controlled. A relationship is supposed to be a partnership.

So if your husband is not listening to your viewpoints, that is a sign you could be in a controlling relationship.

Видео Do You Have A Controlling Spouse or Husband?! [10 SIGNS] канала Kristin Coaching
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1 апреля 2018 г. 23:08:01