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🧼 Baths Are Fun! 💦 The Joy of Bath Time! 🛀😊 Healthy Habits Song 💪#appMink Kids Song & Nursery Rhymes

Taking a bath is an important part of staying clean and healthy, so let's take a bath! Fill the bathtub with warm water and add bubbles for more fun!
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This video will teach the kids how to count from 1 to 10 while they enjoy their bath. With colorful animations, catchy songs and adorable characters, your kids will have a blast learning the numbers in a fun and interactive way. So get ready for some splashing good fun and hit the play button now!


Hey Aaron, Aidan and you too appMink, time to take a bath.

Children like to take a bath, take a bath.
Children like to take a bath, take a bath.
Take your little boat, take your baby duck
Water's ready, now hop in the tub

Wash yourself do do do do do do
Wash yourself do do do do do do
Wash yourself do do do do do do
Wash yourself!
play around do do do do do do
play around do do do do do do
play around do do do do do do
Playing with water is fun!

Children like to take baths, take baths
Children like to take baths, take baths
Wash your little legs, and, wash your little arms

Is there anywhere else you need to wash?

Wash our feet do do do do do do
Wash our feet do do do do do do
Wash our feet do do do do do do
Wash our ears do do do do do do
Wash our ears do do do do do do
Wash our ears do do do do do do
Our ears are clean!

Children like to take a bath, take a bath
Children like to take a bath, take a bath
Dry your little face and dry your baby arms
Are you ready to dress up?

Yes We are!

Pick your clothes do do do do do do
Pick your clothes do do do do do do
Pick your clothes do do do do do do
Oh yeah!
Put on clothes do do do do do do
Put on clothes do do do do do do
Put on clothes do do do do do do
All Done!

Baths are fun!
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AppMink produces high-quality, family-friendly, educational and entertainment videos for kids. AppMink’s goal is to create an environment where kids and parents will have fun while playing, learning, singing and dancing together.
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Видео 🧼 Baths Are Fun! 💦 The Joy of Bath Time! 🛀😊 Healthy Habits Song 💪#appMink Kids Song & Nursery Rhymes канала appMink
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