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Maid of Orleans (OMD) - Claus Riepe on Böhm Sempra SE100 organ

one of my favourite classic 80s songs, the iconic "Maid of Orleans" of the British synth pop duo OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark).
This is the very first video with the new Böhm SEMPRA SE100 organ - and the first one for me using the "Playback" function of the SEMPRA (interactive MIDI File). The drum track and also the "sequencer synth" are played by a midifile I've customized, everything else is played live.
For this song I programmed some sounds, like the syn strings for the melody and also the "machine" choir in the intro. Hope you'll enjoy!

Видео Maid of Orleans (OMD) - Claus Riepe on Böhm Sempra SE100 organ канала Claus Riepe
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