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Witchcraft Never Vanished - It Still Exists Under Guise Of Modern Science | Sufi Meditation Center

Practices of Disbelief such as Witchcraft, Magic, Occult, Sorcery, ...etc. never vanished in society, rather they have found a new home in Modern Sciences: Rocketry, Pharmakeia, Engineering, Particle Physics, Aerospace, ...etc. Dajjal's Jinn Targeting Women For Possession. Jezebel Spirit Demonic Possession.

Q&A Session Video Chapters :

00:00 Reality of feeling warm energy in the body during meditation? [entering the energy world]
01:10 Is the Isra wal Mi'raj (Night Journey and Ascension) time a good time to offer qurban (sacrifice)?
07:30 How to identify if a demon is lurking around your house without you noticing it? [Negativity is everywhere, do the practices to bring pious beings to counter these]
11:52 How to fight all the spiritual attacks towards the heart that create doubts and confusion? [only way to survive is to go inside, the subtly of women vs men]
19:02 Is it possible for evil or nafs (ego) to whisper while reading Holy Qur’an? [negativity attacks when we do positive actions]
20:15 What does it mean when the shaykhs visit you in a dream? [don't rely on dreams, achieve the live state]
21:53 Can we add the names of other pious souls in our idha (dedication)?
23:17 Do people really harm others in dreams or the harm is caused by spiritual beings using people's images? [Importance of spiritual protection and muraqabah]
25:40 What is the dajjalic influence on university level education? [Modern schooling vs Islamic schooling. Witches and warlocks now scientists]
30:18 How to stay humble in the face of parents saying negative things? [How Allah (AJ) prepares you for a world of difficulty]
31:16 How to reach the light of certainty the light of certainty? [Immensity of supporting and participating]

Related Links :

📖 'A Timeless Reality - Ancient Wisdoms of the Soul and Meditation' : https://www.amazon.com/Timeless-Reality-Ancient-Wisdoms-Meditation/dp/1989602037/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

📱 Download our App : https://app.nurmuhammad.com/get

⚡Visit our online store to check out Powerful Ta'weez for immense protection for yourself, home, and car : https://smcmerch.com/collections/taweez-spirital-energy

Recorded : 20220225

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Видео Witchcraft Never Vanished - It Still Exists Under Guise Of Modern Science | Sufi Meditation Center канала The Muhammadan Way Sufi Realities
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2 мая 2022 г. 6:40:33