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GOD CARES | The Prophet Elijah Story | Part 2 - Whiteboard

QUESTION: Are you sure that God cares for you on a daily basis?

Watch PART 1 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrROxwFR1NE


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❤️ SHARE LOVE. We take a lot of time to prepare, film, edit, edit, edit, etc ... - we always look forward to a little feedback.

➕ Crosspaint is not connected to any church system and purely crowd-funded. It strives to encourage young people all over the world through contemporary mediums to stick close to the Bible and be faithful to Jesus Christ for the last few miles.

🎬 Crosspaint’s mission is to ignite a passion in people for Jesus. We believe only the Bible and the Holy Spirit can do this, so we explain the Bible in easy language and sweet images. In between, we drink a good cup of coffee.

"It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed/painted" - Gal 3:1


TEXT: So the conflict between God and Baal is about who is feeding the people. And if you put yourself in the position of God for a moment, you will realise how offending and grievous this is. God is orchestrating the heavens and the earth to give them water, seed to sow and gives growth to all the plants. And at the end, he has to see all the praise go to a lifeless piece of wood.
It’s kinda like a musician who gets his song for the love of his life stolen only to see that another admirer sings the song and gets all the credit. We humans hate when somebody steals our glory, and God even more.

So God calls a faithful man to speak for him. Elijah, whose name is “my God is the Lord” goes to Ahab and tells him that God will demonstrate who is the wheather-God in withholding rain for 3 years. Now obviously you can’t break an economy and get away with it, so God warns Elijah to flee from Ahab’s persecution at a brook and God feeds him through a raven. I know it sounds a bit ludicrous, but if you believe God created a ravens in the first place, why should God not be able to tell a raven to bring food to Elijah.
But why does God use a raven? There is a deep spiritual lesson that God wants to give Elijah and us through sending a raven to feed Elijah.

First the raven speaks of loneliness. God speaks to Elijah’s heart to comfort him, showing him that he understands his loneliness.

Secondly, ravens in a symbolic sense, are an instrument of judgement of those who mock their fathers. Israel had mocked her father by denying the fact that it was him who had cared for her and giving her rain and thus food, over the years. In consequence she lost spiritual sight.

Thirdly the raven is an unclean, carnivore bird without any loyalty. The most vivid example is probably the raven from Noah’s ark. Remember when Noah send it out of the ark to see whether the waters had receded. The raven didn’t come back while the dove came back. That’s because in contrast to the dove, the raven practically eats everything and thus found enough food from floating carcasses. So God uses this unclean, wild and faithless creature to show Elijah his sovereignty. He demonstrates that even the raven obeys God not to eat the bred and meat, if he tells him to.

But the fourth point is probably the most important one. God explicit says in the psalms and the book of job that he cares about the raven. He hears the cry of the little ravens when they cry for food. So this is a reminder for Elijah and God telling him:”Elijah - I am your life insurance. You have put your trust in me. I will not abandon you as much as I will not abandon this raven bird.

So maybe you are in a similar situation. Your marriage seems hopeless. Maybe you are financially broke or you are bullied at work. God wants to tell you: I care about you. I care about you so much more than about ravens.

Jesus Christ put it this way: Therefore I tell you, gdo not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. iOf how much more value are you than the birds!

Видео GOD CARES | The Prophet Elijah Story | Part 2 - Whiteboard канала crosspaint
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17 февраля 2017 г. 17:58:27