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LOSE FEAR OF FAILURE in 21 days! Listen to this 2 times a day!

Affirmations are:
I choose to be successful in each area of my life.
I am willing to try new things courageously.
I know that I am capable of the impossible.
I have a keen capacity to learn new skills that support my success.
I release all blocks pertaining to my goal.
I easily meet and overcome challenges.
I release my fear of failure. I am motivated by love, always.
I am a success.
I easily and quickly learn the lessons life presents me with.
I am recognized as an expert in my industry for my pioneering work.
I welcome freedom into my mind.
I release all fear from my life.
The world is inherently good.
I am free from fearful thoughts.
My thoughts are filled with peace and tranquility.
Failure is inevitable if you want to live a remarkable life.
You want to live a life full of passion, meaning, and purpose.
I rise above any fear of failure
More and more of my fear is becoming healthy excitement
Failure is not all bad. It can be a great teacher.
Failure and success are intimately linked – failure is often a prerequisite for success.
Successful people fail constantly. That’s how they succeed.
Fight is better than flight. Action takes me one step forward.
Persistence is the key to success.
I learn from my mistakes and move on.
Even though I’m afraid I will fail, I can still love and accept myself.
Even though I’ve failed before, I can go forward now.
Even though I’m anxious about this new opportunity, I can still find my way and go forward.
Even though people may criticize me, I still love and accept myself and know I’m okay.
Even though people may not understand what I’m doing, I’m following my heart and attracting like-minded people as I go forward.
I Give myself Permission To Fail.
I accept peace within myself.
I give myself permission to say "no" when I am asked to do something I really don't want to do and I refuse to feel guilty about speaking up for myself.
With each step I take I allow peace to guide me.
I learn from failure
Failure is a stepping stone to success
I succeed with anything I set my mind to
I am driven and motivated
I develop inner strength, willpower and self-discipline.
All positive affirmations will effect my life.
All positive effects will remain with me forever.

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19 июня 2017 г. 11:14:00