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Thomas Metzinger - Rational, Evidence-Based Enculturation of Psychedelic Experiences

Rational, Evidence-Based Enculturation of Psychedelic Experiences: Towards a Protocol for Phase II

In this short talk, I will first explain the concept of a “consciousness culture” and then give some brief examples of why psychedelic experiences are interesting if viewed from the perspective of philosophy of mind, applied ethics, and cognitive science. I will argue that it would be a mistake to simply legalize the classical hallucinogens, but that the real challenge lies fostering a very careful, ethically motivated and scientifically grounded process of “enculturation”: A process of creating a cultural context in which all members of society can profit from the intrinsic value of these psychoactive substances, while at the same time minimizing the risks and cultivating a rational, evidence-based strategy for harm-reduction. In order to initiate a more systematic debate I will present some first building blocks for an Enculturation Protocol.

Видео Thomas Metzinger - Rational, Evidence-Based Enculturation of Psychedelic Experiences канала FINDER Akademie
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20 февраля 2020 г. 3:23:18