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Tribute to my best friend, Rescue Staffy Laila, RIP best nanny dog ever

A hundred and one reasons to rescue a staffy. My best friend, my most loyal companion. I say I rescued her but in reality she rescued me. The most loved and most loving nanny dog. If you are ever thinking of rescuing a dog but don't know what breed to go for, I would urge you to consider a staffordshire bull terrier if you ever find one needing a home. A more loyal dog you will not find. There will never be a boring moment. Beware though, they will totally capture and own your heart and then break it into a million pieces when you finally have to say goodbye.

My Laila passed away this June, on the morning that the brexit vote was announced. She decided it was time to exit on the day of the brexit. She put up a very good fight against hermangiosarcoma cancer that started in her spleen. Her spleen was removed and she went on a course of chemotherapy. It totally cleaned out my bank account and left me in debt, but I don't care. It bought us 6 more precious months with her.

I can't thank my lucky stars enough for the day I found Laila. Actually it was a night. She was still a pup. Maybe 9 months old. She was with a stranger in the dark, and I could see by the look in her eyes she didn't feel safe with him. She looked into my eyes and spoke to me with her special mind powers. I know she was asking me to save her. I wasn't even looking for a dog. I had enough on my plate, I didn't need another responsibility. In truth though, she saved me. And my three daughters. She brought us so much unconditional love and taught us so much. She changed us forever.

Immediately we had a bond. She was my wee soul mate. One day, not long after I got her, on my way to work, I heard a rustling in the footwell of the rear passenger seat. I pulled over the car and saw a blanket on the floor. Laila popped her head out from under the blanket and looked at me with the cheekiest smile I've ever seen. Without words she said to me "I want to come to work with you today Mummy. I want to be with you always and forever. Wherever you go, I will always be there with you! I love you so much!"

I had to turn the car round and put her back in the house, but my heart was melted. I couldn't help but laugh about it all the way back home while she sat there wagging her tail frantically in the back seat now she knew the game was up.

I gave her a cuddle goodbye and left. The thing about staffies is, they love so hard that they can't get close enough to you. When they cuddle and greet you its like they actually want to climb inside your skin to get right inside your heart. Being squashed up against you in a bear hug just isn't quite close enough!

It broke my heart the day it finally came to say goodbye. But I knew it had to be done. It was the kindest thing to do for her. She knew it was time and she wanted to go. We were inconsolable. But even in her final minutes she was trying to comfort us, wagging her tail and licking the tears off our faces. She was saying with those eyes, the way she always did, without words "It's ok Mummy. It's ok girls. It's time for me to go. I'm tired in this body. But I will be with you, always and forever".

She slipped away peacefully surrounded by the ones she loved the most. That night as I was falling asleep, my eyes still red from crying, I could swear she jumped up onto my bed, lighter and warmer than usual. It felt like she tucked herself in with me for a cuddle, right inside my heart, just where she always wanted to be.

Maybe it was wishful thinking. Maybe it was a dream. Or maybe it was Laila keeping her promise that wherever I go, she will always be there with me. I like to think the latter. I refuse to believe that a soul so perfect could be anything but immortal...
(songs in this video were sung, written or played by my three daughters. In memory of our sweet Laila Dawgy x)


Видео Tribute to my best friend, Rescue Staffy Laila, RIP best nanny dog ever канала Jenny the Frog
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14 августа 2016 г. 1:55:36