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Thank you for watching our videos. We broadcast tutorial videos about the maintenance and repair of agricultural equipment. I really appreciate your support and subscriptions ♪
Repair and maintenance movie frequently include dangerous procedures and work that require qualification. Please make sure to pay attention to safety to prevent injury when you perform maintenance/repair by yourself. We will not pay any financial nor physical supports even in case you had troubles. Please work at your own risk and take responsibility by yourself.
We always try to provide important information and concise procedures so as to reduce mistakes (which may lead to further mechanical damages and deadly accidents). Also, we try to provide tutorials using the simplest sets of tools so that you do not need professional equipment. However, every step of the maintenance work shown in the video may not help your problem. The best solution to repair machines totally depends on situations (such as locations where you repair, availability of tools, … etc). Therefore, please do not think instructions provided in the video can simply be applied on your case. Please ask for help with professional mechanics nearby if you think you are not qualified.
We are broadcasting repair movies for farmers to maintain their machines by themselves to reduce the cost. Therefore, the videos is not targeted for mechanics and producing company. If you want to know how to repair machines in a professional manner, please purchase the training instructions provided by the respective company producing machines.
Those who cannot understand the purpose of videos, please do not watch them. Constructive criticisms and suggestions are always appreciated, however, we do not accept brutal criticism or denial of morality (to both us and the farmers who are helping us to make videos). If you still want to show that your way of repairing are better, please upload your tutorials on YouTube to show us your qualification and proof of your opinion. We accept criticisms only when we judge that you have better techniques.
Agricultural machines are essential for agribusiness. Farm equipment and machines will be damaged over time, particularly when they are not used in appropriate manners. Therefore, daily maintenance is very important to prolong their life time and prevent the unnecessary repair work on the field during the work.
In Japan, the situation of agribusiness is getting harsher and harsher due to the decline of rice consumption. We would like to support them to provide safe and delicious foods to the consumers while reducing needless expenses and maximizing their profit. We would like to help farmers and promote agribusiness by providing videos.
Tractor,Máy kéo,트랙터,拖拉機,
Rice reaping machine,벼 베기 기계,水稻收割机,Máy gặt lúa,Máy xới,경운기,分蘖,A tiller,Rice transplanter,
水稻插秧机,모내기 기계,Máy cấy lúa,Thiết bị nông trại,농기구,农场设备,Farm equipment,Kubota,久保田,洋马,
Yanmar,Nông nghiệp,农业,Agriculture,농업,공구,tool,工具,Công cụ,Nhà để xe,车库,garage,차고,수리,Repair,
修复,Sửa chữa,Bảo trì,保养,Maintenance,정비,유지 보수,保养,maintenance,Bảo trì
Kubota Rice Transplanter Suddenly

Видео 5600時間使用のトラクター異音がする канала 荒木農機 arakinouki
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21 июня 2020 г. 15:44:58
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