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Our BEST Day of Bass Fishing Yet! (BIG BASS AND CRAPPIE) | Winter Bass Fishing

Winter is winding down and we are starting to get some warmer days. Bass are becoming more active as they feed to bulk up before their spawn. On this trip Brady and I set out to do some late winter crappie and bass fishing. It turned into an EPIC day of fishing when we found a school of quality sized bass that were eager to bite. We caught plenty of three to five pound fish and some hug crappie too. Warm days in march can get these fish very active so you want to take advantage of those days when you get them. This can be the result! Make sure to subscribe to the channel for more fishing content!

Видео Our BEST Day of Bass Fishing Yet! (BIG BASS AND CRAPPIE) | Winter Bass Fishing канала The Waters Edge
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16 марта 2023 г. 3:00:08