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Peaceful Warrior (Мирный воин) - www.english-challenge.ru

Learn English with a Star! Видеоурок английского языка по трэйлеру к фильму «Мирный воин» ("Peaceful Warrior") (НАЖМИТЕ «РАЗВЕРНУТЬ»).

Просмотрите трэйлер, ознакомьтесь с текстом видео, и выучите новые слова и выражения. После этого пройдите небольшой тест (свои ответы оставляйте в комментариях).


«Английский со звездой!» — это новаторская система изучения английского языка, построенная на видеоуроках по самым популярным англоязычным фильмам, с лучшими голливудскими артистами в качестве ваших персональных репетиторов: Уиллом Смитом, Кэмерон Диаз, Уммой Турман, Томом Хэнксом, Натали Портман, Энтони Хопкинс, Джулией Робертс, Киану Ривз, Мэлом Гибсоном и многими другими...

ПРОБНЫЙ ВИДЕОУРОК ЗАБИРАЙТЕ ЗДЕСЬ: http://english-challenge.ru/. Enjoy!


1 BREEZE - (n) (a light wind) here it's 'something that is very easy to do'
2 CUZ, COZ - (n) slang for cousin, like BRO is to brother
3 GREAT SHAPE - body is in excellent condition
4 REFLEX, REFLEXIVE - (adj) relating to the body's ability to act or react without thought
5 WARRIOR - (n) old, poetic name for a 'brave or experienced soldier'
6 COMPETE - (v) try to win by defeating others (e.g. in games, sports etc.)
7 AMAZED - (v) greatly surprised (amaze, amazed)
8 ON THE INSIDE - in the heart and mind
9 MATTERS - (adj) that which is most important
10 PAYING ATTENTION - giving special thought or consideration


"That's it Danny. Excellent! Millman, you're good!" "I train seven days a week, fifty weeks out of the year. School's kind of a BREEZE. I get straight A's." "Hey Dan!" "Looking good all right!" "Thanks CUZ." "How can they all be in love with me?" "I got great friends. I'm in GREAT SHAPE! And I only sleep alone when I absolutely want to." "Dan." "I want to know what's going on." "With some hard work I'm sure you'll be able to walk again." "Help you with something?" "What the hell did you just do?" "There's a lot you'd have to know before you could understand what you saw." "The mind is just a REFLEX organ, the answer to everything. Pass me that wrench." "I don't know what to do now." "Everything has a purpose - even this. And it's up to you to find it. A WARRIOR does not give up what he loves. He finds the love in what he does." "I don't think your leg is the only thing that got broken." "The doctors have told me that you will never COMPETE again." "Throw out everything you don't need in here that's keeping you from this moment. You'll be AMAZED what you can do. I call myself a peaceful warrior because the battles we fight are ON THE INSIDE. This moment is the only thing that MATTERS." "Are you PAYING ATTENTION?"

ТЕСТ: Заполните пропуски подходящими словами или выражениями (свои ответы оставляйте в комментариях):

breeze___great shape___amazed ___on the inside___paying attention.

1 My father was __________ when he saw that I was getting straight A's in all my studies.
2 To Pablo, fixing computer hardware is a __________.
3 Aleksi thinks that doctors should be ___________ to food as a cure for disease than pills.
4 Asuka is in ___________ because she works out every morning in the park.
5 Sometimes, we see people smiling on the outside and crying __________.

Видео Peaceful Warrior (Мирный воин) - www.english-challenge.ru канала Marat Safin
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