CenterCam: Eye Contact for a More Natural Streaming Experience, with Founder & CEO Ian Foster
Is CenterCam for you?
CenterCam is a tiny camera the sits in the middle of your computer screen during face-to-face internet meetings. With a background in psychology, Ian Foster created CenterCam to allow eye contact and body language cues in these meetings for a natural conversational feel.
Content creators are a significant slice of the CenterCam community, for both streaming and live performances, to reclaim the subtle human chemistry in recordings that standard screen-edge webcams don't capture.
Видео CenterCam: Eye Contact for a More Natural Streaming Experience, with Founder & CEO Ian Foster канала Creative COW
CenterCam is a tiny camera the sits in the middle of your computer screen during face-to-face internet meetings. With a background in psychology, Ian Foster created CenterCam to allow eye contact and body language cues in these meetings for a natural conversational feel.
Content creators are a significant slice of the CenterCam community, for both streaming and live performances, to reclaim the subtle human chemistry in recordings that standard screen-edge webcams don't capture.
Видео CenterCam: Eye Contact for a More Natural Streaming Experience, with Founder & CEO Ian Foster канала Creative COW
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3 августа 2022 г. 21:14:51
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