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Nothing EVER goes according to plan! Building our campervan kitchen and ceiling [vanlife] [vanbuild]

Nothing ever goes according to plan in the building of our Ford Transit campervan Miles, and neither does building our ceiling! We have worked on our ceiling for so long, cutting, painting, and sanded the cladding several times.. but now we are close to making several big mistakes 🤯Because, before we spray foamed we pullet electrical conduit in the ceiling, and now we cannot exactly remember where it is! So.. as usual.. nothing EVER goes according to plan! Hopefully, we don't have to take down the ceiling again...

We also start off on our kitchen! We have decided to go with an Ikea kitchen to make things easier, and it looks beautiful 🤩

Ps. we are incredibly excited that you are taking the time to watch our videos. Lots of cold love from us to you 💚🥶
Before we embarked on this step we have done tons of work. Watch our campervan conversion journey from the beginning: https://idaandtobias.com/vanbuild​
We are Ida&Tobias and we are converting a Ford Transit into the ultimate adventure campervan and would love for you to join in on the ride🌟 We both have full-time jobs and we're building Miles (name of our van, named after the one and only Ken Miles🏎) after hours and during weekends. We cannot wait to get ready and take Miles (and hopefully you) with us on our new adventures.

THANKYOU for taking the time to join us, we (you and us) make up our small community and we are immensely grateful for your support here on YouTube and Instagram, it is truly inspiring for us and keeps us up late working on Miles and making videos 🧡
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📸 INSTAGRAM we would love to hear from you: https://instagram.com/miles.thevan/​
📝 BLOG we write about our adventures: https://idaandtobias.com/​
📺 WATCH our campervan conversion journey from the beginning: https://idaandtobias.com/vanbuild​

Видео Nothing EVER goes according to plan! Building our campervan kitchen and ceiling [vanlife] [vanbuild] канала Ida & Tobias
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21 мая 2021 г. 19:10:37
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