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Louis Vuitton Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 3 #harpazo #rapture is near!

Louis Vuitton Singapore Changi Airport

Harpazo!! Rapture is near!! Believe in Jesus before it is too late!!

Archaeological evidence supporting bible!

The era of mass deception is here, enabled by Generative AI!!

Let us proclaim the wondrous works of God!

Bible prophecy alert. Rapture is near! Believe in Lord Jesus before it is too late

Believe in Lord Jesus! Only He saves!

Believe! Jesus came to Earth, died on the cross for our sins, buried and rose again the third day!

The Rapture (Harpazo) is very soon! Believe in Jesus! If my channel suddenly goes quiet, I have been suddenly taken up to heaven by Lord Jesus Christ, in a twinkling of an eye! If you are left behind, do not believe the lies that you will hear. We were not abducted by aliens! Do not believe the fake videos using Generative AI!

The Anti-Christ will come on the scene.

1. The Anti-Christ will come as a peacemaker, and not desire women.
2. The Anti-Christ will broker and sign a 7 year peace treaty with Israel, in Jerusalem.
3. Israel will welcome and trust the Anti-Christ like their long-awaited Messiah!

4. Israel will be allowed to re-build their temple (co-exist with the Dome of the Rock) and start old testament worship again. For centuries, everybody assumed that the Dome of the Rock was built over the Holy of Holies. But today, most archeologists agree that the Holy of Holies is north of the Dome of the Rock. sitting on the Court of Gentiles. Therefore the Jewish temple can be built on its original site without disturbing the Dome of the Rock - https://bible.ca/archeology/bible-archeology-jerusalem-temple-mount-dome-of-rock.htm See Pastor Allen Nolan explained this from 2008!! https://youtu.be/q3sqptzGNyE?si=MLWjNWkvGbbEMSdG

5. Israel will let down their guard.

6. 3.5 years after the peace treaty signing, Anti-Christ will turn against Israel. The abomination of desolation will be performed. Anti-Christ will demand to be worshipped, like god. Satan will build an image of himself - Satan + AI + Robot = Image of the Beast that speaks and kills in Rev 13:14-15

Moses and Elijah will appear as the 2 witnesses during the first half of tribulation. They will preach that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth. Many will want them dead but the are supernaturally protected until their testimony is finished. After 1,260 days, they will be killed by the Anti-Christ in Jerusalem. Their bodies will be left on the streets as a insult. But 3.5 days later, they will be resurrected and rise to heaven in a cloud for the world to see. At that very hour, a severe earthquake will hit, killing 7,000 people and destroying one-tenth of Jerusalem.

In the middle of the tribulation, the beast will rise up from the sea, and go after all remaining Jews and believers on earth. If you do not convert to beast's religion, you will be killed.
Believe in Jesus and endure! You will have to be matyred for your faith in Jesus but that would be a blessing so that you do not face eternal death.

The Beast will rely on the Whore of Babylon to rise into power. The Whore is the Revived Roman Empire, with her capital in Rome. She will be fabulously wealthy and entice all nations to join her economic system. But at the midpoint of the Tribulation, Rome will be destroyed by a giant earthquake in one hour.

If you missed the rapture, look out for the signs above, believe in God and do not take the mark (666) of the beast!

If you are living in the 2nd half of the Tribulation, there will be 3 angels going around the world telling you NOT to take the mark of the beast. Look out for them!

If you are reading this after the Rapture or during the Tribulation, please go investigate the Holy Bible (inerrant Word of God). Do not be deceived by the lies!

The Great Disappearance - Rapture!

What is the Rapture? Listen to Pastor Allen Nolan!!

Видео Louis Vuitton Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 3 #harpazo #rapture is near! канала guitar singapore travels Rapture!
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15 сентября 2024 г. 16:34:22