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3 Amazing Homemade POOL INVENTIONS COMPILATION 2020 [5]

3 Amazing Homemade POOL INVENTIONS COMPILATION 2020 [5]

Typical Swimming Pool Construction Format
In order for you to become familiar with each different phase of swimming pool construction and know what is entailed, and what to expect, we have put together this information.

On average you can expect approximately 3 to 4 weeks to begin construction. This includes conceptual renderings as well as time spent discussing how you and your family will use the pool and what is the best area of your yard to place the swimming pool to maximize functionality as well as aesthetics. Typical installation time from start of excavation, depending upon weather, is six to eight weeks. However, some projects may require longer depending upon the extent of the project. It is our desire at Southern Elegance Pools to complete a new residential swimming pool as soon as possible. However, at no time will we ever sacrifice our reputation of quality construction in order to meet a particular deadline.

Contract and Payment
Due to the expense involved in the construction of swimming pools, the typical schedule of payments will look similar to what is outlined in your sales contract. For your convenience, we have listed the payment plan below. Your prompt payment will enable your swimming pool company to expedite the completion of your pool. To insure construction time will not be lost, you will typically be contacted with reminders, at which time arrangements can be made to pick up/pay online your scheduled payment.
All Scheduled Payments and Change Orders will typically have to be paid before the next phase of construction can be scheduled so paying your pool builder quickly will usually help keep the process moving at an optimum speed.

Pool Construction Plans
Pool plans and the contract should have been reviewed by this time of the process. If there are any discrepancies or questions you must make sure to contact your Sales Representative immediately. Pool plans, ARB information, (if applicable) and permit application are submitted. The time required varies depending upon county and work load of the said county department. After the proper permits and ARB’s have been applied for and obtained, the construction department will schedule for layout and excavation of your new swimming pool.

Construction Phases and Procedures
Lay Out and Excavation

At the time of lay out, the construction department will stake out your pool with wood stakes and forms to the specifications indicated on the construction plans that you approved. This will show the pool’s shape and location on your property, as indicated per the construction drawings. It is imperative that the permit pack remain in an obvious place and accessible for county, & city inspections. Typically this will be on the back patio near the pool.

The staked out area must not be disturbed, as the stakes are set at a certain grade exactly right for your swimming pool’s shell to be installed.

If by chance a customer is not satisfied with the location of the pool after it has been laid out and formed, as per your approved working drawings, and it becomes necessary to move it, there will typically be an additional charge and A CHANGE ORDER MUST BE SIGNED so be certain to look very closely over the construction drawings prior to this phase.

If at this time Tile, Deck Color and Interior finish selections have not been made it should be done immediately. Especially pertaining to pavers, some of the lead times to have the product on sight can be weeks.

At this point the excavation will be completed within the designated layout area. The excess dirt will be loaded and moved away by trucks if so designated in contract. Under normal soil conditions, this takes approximately one day. PLEASE DO NOT ask for extra dirt to be left on your property unless you are sure you can use the extra dirt. In the event you should change your mind after the excavators are gone, there will be a charge for the trucks and equipment to return for the dirt removal. At this time your excavation payment is due.

Видео 3 Amazing Homemade POOL INVENTIONS COMPILATION 2020 [5] канала DS inventions
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25 октября 2020 г. 20:58:37