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DJ The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo Visits Exotics Vet Dr Jayne Weller

You're a vet ok?.... Imagine having a patient that actually WANTED to come and see you?

DJ (aka Olive) Green is just one such 'patient'.

DJ actually loves spending time with Sydney's Animal Referral Hospital's Exotic Vet Dr Jayne Weller...

Why? - well it might just be what happens at home with her mum Roz...

This is PART-1 of 2 where we see what happens in the consult room and in PART-2 (out soon!) what else is happening in DJ's life to make her like she is.

Видео DJ The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo Visits Exotics Vet Dr Jayne Weller канала VET talk TV
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10 марта 2016 г. 2:39:50
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