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10 Unusual People You Won't Believe Exist

BRAIN TIME ► https://goo.gl/tTWgH2

Some people hate being in the spotlight. Indeed, not everyone feels comfortable while other people are looking at them – often with disapproval. Others, by contrast, are doing everything they can to stand out from the rest. Of course, the easiest way to do this is to wear unusual clothes or look different.
Well, if nature wasn’t that kind to you, you can always resort to various body modifications like piercings or tattoos. Though one must be careful with this: sometimes people don’t know where to stop. Today we will tell you about people who went too far in their desire to stand out.

00:00 - Welcome!
00:43 - Flesh tunnels
01:59 - Parrotman
03:10 - Clown for life
04:07 - Tattoo world record
05:13 - Aliens on Earth
06:34 - Endless tattoos
07:28 - Alien housewives
08:17 - Tattoo man
09:11 - Living skull
10:09 - Zebra man *** https://www.youtube.com/@INCREDIBLE-qq2zi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZVJ_GkAr0m2YkabUiO8Rqg

Видео 10 Unusual People You Won't Believe Exist канала BRAIN TIME
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