Como Pintar Noche Lluviosa Y Chica Con Paraguas En Acrilico
En este tutorial aprenderás a como pintar una noche lluviosa y chica con paraguas en acrilico y paso a paso. Veras como hacer lluvia, nubosidad, chica con paragua, luces de ciudad fácilmente con estencil, paso a paso y con guía de colores. Utilizando herramientas simples, en este caso solo pinceles comunes y estencil de circulos.
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Materiales en el desarrollo del video:
Lienzo 20 x 20 Cm.
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The video contains subtitles with the colors used, materials, and more details. I wish you find it very useful! Greetings! Thanks!! 🎨😊
In this tutorial you will learn how to paint a rainy night and a girl with an umbrella in acrylic and step by step. You will see how to make rain, cloud cover, girl with umbrella, city lights easily with stencil, step by step and with a color guide. Using simple tools, in this case only common brushes and circle stencils.
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Subtitled materials.
Canvas 20 x 20 Cm.
Various videos and techniques:
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Видео Como Pintar Noche Lluviosa Y Chica Con Paraguas En Acrilico канала EasyGamArt
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Materiales en el desarrollo del video:
Lienzo 20 x 20 Cm.
Varios vídeos y técnicas:
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Gracias por ver. Gracias!! 🎨 😊
The video contains subtitles with the colors used, materials, and more details. I wish you find it very useful! Greetings! Thanks!! 🎨😊
In this tutorial you will learn how to paint a rainy night and a girl with an umbrella in acrylic and step by step. You will see how to make rain, cloud cover, girl with umbrella, city lights easily with stencil, step by step and with a color guide. Using simple tools, in this case only common brushes and circle stencils.
Please if you find the video useful, give me a like, subscribe and share it, so you guide me and encourage me to create new similar content and more tutorial videos that may interest you.
Leave me your comments below, I read all of them.
Subtitled materials.
Canvas 20 x 20 Cm.
Various videos and techniques:
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Thanks for watching. Thank you!! 🎨 😊
Видео Como Pintar Noche Lluviosa Y Chica Con Paraguas En Acrilico канала EasyGamArt
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