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crayons & quarter-notes

C R A Y O N S & Q U A R T E R - N O T E S

"dear artist. you will rise again"

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this is a super late birthday present for the lovely and talented angelsinflight14. for as long as i've had the pleasure of knowing her on YT, she's always been super sweet, crack-loving and brilliant. she really tests the boundaries of video-making with her crossovers. just look at her NamiNear videos.

anywho. I love that Hope loves Ariel/Demyx. So I decided to play off that and go BEEYOOOOND. So here you are, a Namine/Demyx/Ariel video. I hope it was worth the loooong wait, Hopeity-Hope! x3

song - - - courage, robert
artist - - - meg & dia
program - - - sony vegas
footage - - - kh2, re:com
dedication - - - hope (angelsinflight14)
beta testers - - - haz, grey, evi, lauren, raven.

s t o r y ---

Namine is a lonely girl. She expresses herself through her pictures. Demyx, an artist himself, goes out of his way to be nice to her and looks at her art. Eventually, they form a friendship based on crayons and quarter notes. Demyx asks Namine what he thinks of the song he is writing - she thinks it's beautiful.

Demyx, prior to his life as a Nobody, lived in Atlantica where he fell in love with the princess Ariel. And after revealing his feelings to her by offering her a piece of jewlery he found in a wreckage - the heartless attack. Defending Ariel, Myde gets himself killed, leaving Ariel alone in the grotto.

Myde, or now rather Demyx, is found by Axel in the World that Never Was. Axel becomes Demyx's first friend. But, he cannot forget his old life and Ariel - nor the strange feelings he should not have. When Xemnas says to give them up, he cannot. And once he meets Namine for the first time, he begins to see Ariel in her. For this, he is guilty. He stays close to her because she reminds him of what he used to have.

When Demyx confronts her, she admits that she stayed with him because he reminded her of Sora - but got past it.. Demyx asks her how she managed to do that and she replies that it was hard the first time or two, but she remembered that Demyx wasn't Sora for many reasons. Their shared artistic interest for one. Sensing Namine's sadness, Demyx says that he's willing to try to get past Ariel too and takes her hand.

But then, Sora comes to save Namine, apparently over her betrayal. Seeing Demyx, Sora believes that Namine is in danger and tells Demyx to get away from her. When Demyx refuses, Sora attacks. Demyx does not fight back - only tries to defend himself because he knows that Namine will be sad if he hurts Sora. So, Sora defeats Demyx - and he begins to fade. The Nocturne does not want Namine to be bitter, and tells her that she shouldn't be mad.

Sora lands the final blow - and Axel appears to collect Namine on Demyx's request. She doesn't want to leave him, but Axel restrains her and she can do nothing but watch Demyx fade away. It isn't something she'll get over in one or two tries. She sits on the clocktower with Roxas and Axel, depressed. Axel, wanting Namine to be happy because that's what Demyx would have wanted gives her the lyrics that Demyx wrote for her. The same song he asked her opinion of.

The song is called 'crayons and quarter-notes' and brings back the memories of the time they spent together. Demyx's goofball antics, Namine's sweet words and the creativity that they brought to life through sitar strings and pencils. Now, she doesn't have to forget Demyx.

On Destiny Islands, after merging with Kairi, Namine still draws and remembers Demyx whenever the water breaks against the shores. And in her sketchpad she keeps his song - shedding a tear every time she reads it.

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Видео crayons & quarter-notes канала netherworlds
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30 марта 2009 г. 6:49:40