Vitas - "Видели видео?/Have you seen the video?" (23.06.2019)
Vitas on the program "Have you seen the video?(Видели видео?)"
As you know, the memes/parodies of several Vitas' songs have been a stable in the internet "meme culture" the past few years. Meet some of meme creators (human and animal) and enjoy a practical joke Vitas plays on his daughter, Alla.
"Видели видео?" Выпуск от 23.06.2019 (1tv)
Видео Vitas - "Видели видео?/Have you seen the video?" (23.06.2019) канала VITAS
As you know, the memes/parodies of several Vitas' songs have been a stable in the internet "meme culture" the past few years. Meet some of meme creators (human and animal) and enjoy a practical joke Vitas plays on his daughter, Alla.
"Видели видео?" Выпуск от 23.06.2019 (1tv)
Видео Vitas - "Видели видео?/Have you seen the video?" (23.06.2019) канала VITAS
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